Health Care

Motor Voter Law 1993, Clinton, Cloward, Piven, Alinsky, Obama, Economic COLLAPSE

Posted on February 22, 2013. Filed under: ACORN, Capitalism, Clinton, Communism, Constitution, Democrats, Dictator, Freedom, Health Care, Hillary, Illegal Aliens, immigration, Liberty, Marxism, Obama, politics, Rush Limbaugh, Socialism, sovereignty, Taxes, U.S. Government, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Obama Black PanthersObama teachingCloward Piven Clinton

Remember the “Motor Voter Law” passed by Democrats and signed into law by Bill Clinton?  Bet you didn’t know this:

“This voter registration movement was spearheaded by the husband and wife team of Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward in the early 1980s in response to the Reagan administration. Both of them college professors and liberal activists.” Both of them involved in Alinksy radicalism. Still at it today. Obama embraced Alinsky, Cloward and Piven beliefs.

What’s the implication of involvement of Cloward and Piven? This:
“First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the Cloward-Piven Strategy seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse. Obama attended Columbia U and is carrying this out right in front of us, brazenly destroying our economy. ”

Have you noticed that there is crisis after crisis after crisis, since Obama was first elected in 2008? Each one is said to be devastating if Congress doesn’t pass some big money bill to solve it.  The results are trillions in debt, ailing economy, job losses, businesses closing. Capitalism is under attack.  If it fails, what will replace it? Socialism, Marxism, Dictatorship, something less than our Constitutional republic?

“In their 1966 article, Cloward and Piven charged that the ruling classes used welfare to weaken the poor; that by providing a social safety net, the rich doused the fires of rebellion. Poor people can advance only when “the rest of society is afraid of them,” Cloward told The New York Times on September 27, 1970. Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs, wrote Cloward and Piven, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system; the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would “the rest of society” accept their demands.

The key to sparking this rebellion would be to expose the inadequacy of the welfare state. Cloward-Piven’s early promoters cited radical organizer Saul Alinsky as their inspiration. “Make the enemy live up to their (sic) own book of rules,” Alinsky wrote in his 1989 book Rules for Radicals. When pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judeo-Christian moral tenet, and every implicit promise of the liberal social contract, human agencies inevitably fall short. The system’s failure to “live up” to its rule book can then be used to discredit it altogether, and to replace the capitalist “rule book” with a socialist one.”

“Cloward and Piven calculated that persuading even a fraction of potential welfare recipients to demand their entitlements would bankrupt the system. The result, they predicted, would be “a profound financial and political crisis” that would unleash ‘powerful forces for major economic reform at the national level’.”

“Their article called for “cadres of aggressive organizers” to use “demonstrations to create a climate of militancy.” Intimidated by threats of black violence, politicians would appeal to the federal government for help.

“This was an example of what are commonly called Trojan Horse movements — mass movements whose outward purpose seems to be providing material help to the downtrodden, but whose real objective is to draft poor people into service as revolutionary foot soldiers; to mobilize poor people en masse to overwhelm government agencies with a flood of demands beyond the capacity of those agencies to meet. The flood of demands was calculated to break the budget, jam the bureaucratic gears into gridlock, and bring the system crashing down.   Fear, turmoil, violence and economic collapse would accompany such a breakdown — providing perfect conditions for fostering radical change.

“Cloward and Piven recruited a militant black organizer named George Wiley to lead their new movement.”  Beginning to sound like what we’re watching today?

“Both Cloward and Piven attended the White House signing of the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act as guests of President Clinton.

“Both the Living Wage and Voting Rights movements depend heavily on financial support from George Soros‘s Open Society Institute and his Shadow Party.”

(Unlikely to improve on the writings in these two cited articles, I chose to post excerpts from them, adding only a little commentary here and there. I sincerely hope you go to these articles and read them in their entirety. It’s important that our elected officials and influential people like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, and many others, be sent this information.  Send it to your state governors and elected officials, too, because they fight on the front lines to stop this onslaught.  They need to know and expose it before it’s too late.)


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The Truth About Gov. Rick Perry

Posted on September 14, 2011. Filed under: Al Gore, amnesty, Big Brother, Cap and Trade, Capitalism, Christianity, Communism, Constitution, Democrats, Dictator, Energy, environmentalism, environmentalists, evolution, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, global governance, globalization, Guns, Hate Speech/Crime Bill, Health Care, Illegal Aliens, immigration, Islam, junk science, Liberty, Marxism, Muslims, News Media, Obama, Political, politics, Rush Limbaugh, SEIU, Socialism, sovereignty, Taxes, terrorism, U.S. Government, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Decision making in the 2012 election MUST BE MADE ON FACTS NOT RUMORS.  Don’t be led around like sheep. Don’t fall prey to the rumor mill. Be educated. Know the facts. Find reputable trustworthy sources, which eliminates MSNBC,, Huffington Post, The Daily Kos, SEIU publications and Jane Doe’s little blog.  Marbie’s Blog always looks for sources that are credible and recognized as trustworthy with a good track record on accuracy and most importantly provides their sources for the information they publish. 

As the front-runner  in the GOP primary for the 2012 presidential election, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas is taking a real beating. The other candidates who are far below him in the polls have to knock him off to move up because, apparently, their message has been unable to propel them to the top.  Mitt Romney has to attack him, as well, because he took first place, which Romney used to occupy, as soon as he announced his candidacy.   It seems that Romney sees Perry as “the one to beat”. 

The smears and lies and half-truths are being hurled like javelins squarely at Perry with little regard for truth.  How will the voters know what is true and what is false? Here’s a great website by a citizen who has spent long hours researching Rick Perry through multiple credible sources which are listed in the same paragraph with the information so that we can all check out the validity of his presentation.

Bookmark this website and use it to help your family and friends know the truth.  Learn these facts for use in conversations when the smears come up. Some really good people have been misled and will appreciate finding out the truth. You can help.

What good is a president elected on false premises or one that might have made a good president, but was eliminated because of lies?  America is at a dangerous crossroads.


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The Government Gavel War

Posted on January 5, 2011. Filed under: Clinton, Constitution, Democrats, Freedom, Health Care, Hillary, Liberty, Obama, politics, U.S. Government | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In her farewell address to Congress today, former House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, filibustered from the Chair, touting her accomplishments and the miraculous characteristics of Obamacare as if she was identifying her one claim to fame before she fades from the scene.  Leaning into the microphone, as if in fear of someone dragging her away, she turned the occasion, which should have been the swearing-in of the new House Speaker, John Boehner, into a celebration of the election of Democrat John Kennedy as president, and her tenure of greatness as former House Speaker.  It was painfully reminiscent of former Democrat President Bill Clinton’s all-afternoon-long departure from Washington, D.C.’s presidential limelight. 

The Sargeant of Arms of the House, should have grabbed the hook from the coat closet and pulled her off the stage after she launched into her personal aggrandisement and embarrassing effort to appear greater than her successor, while he stood politely behind her, ever the perfect gentleman.  While she behaved arrogantly, he conducted himself with humility, dismissing her distasteful mocking of his gavel choice.  In her words, “It’s larger than most of the gavels here.”  Perhaps he feels the need to remind the House Democrats that he now holds the power of Speaker and that the Republicans now hold the majority, since their interviews on radio and television sounded as if they were not going to acknowledge that.

In fairness, the gavel that Pelosi carried in her triumphal march through D.C. after passing the much despised Obamacare, certainly looks just as large as Boehner’s gavel, if not bigger.   

In both photos, as well as in her speech today, Pelosi sends the message, “It’s all about me!  It’s all about me!”  Arrogance is a difficult thing to hide.

Contrast her with Speaker Boehner’s demeanor.  Even after Pelosi hands him the gavel and the power and respect that accompanies it, she is STILL standing in front of him, monopolizing the podium and the microphone.  Boehner’s head is down and his message in one of humbleness, hence the tears when he realizes that America has afforded him the opportunities to rise from nothing to something.   He is emotional because he truly appreciates this great country, the freedom we’re all promised and his chance to make a difference in Congress for all of us.   House Speaker John Boehner appreciates and loves the Constitution and is humbled by all that it guarantees.  He stands there humbly as living proof.

One shows arrogance and a love for power, celebrity, and wealth.  The other shows humbleness and a willingness to help others reach their goals and keep their freedom.  One is haughty with nose in the air, clinging to the microphone well beyond what was necessary.  The other is down-to-earth and mindful that he is no better than the rest of us.

To a thundering and very prolonged applause as he was first introduced as the new Speaker of the House,  John Boehner, the man, said, “It’s still just me.”

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Communist Goals of 1963, Congressional Record

Posted on June 25, 2010. Filed under: 2010 election, ACORN, ALERT!, American Revolution, Big Brother, Cap and Trade, Capitalism, Christianity, Clinton, Communism, Constitution, Democrats, Dictator, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, global governance, Global Warming/Cimate Change, Hate Speech/Crime Bill, Health Care, Hillary, immigration, Liberty, Marxism, Muslims, News Media, Obama, Obama's Associates & Appointees, politics, SEIU, Socialism, sovereignty, Taxes, terrorism, U.S. Government | Tags: |

If you’re concerned about the direction our nation is headed and the wisdom, or lack thereof, of our leaders and if you want to do something to turn this country around and put America back on the right tract, then read the Communist Goals of 1963, recorded in the Congressional Record, January 10, 1963.  Compare those goals to current conditions and see how many they’ve attained. 

We are a republic, not a democracy which can dissolve into mob rule.  We are not communists, atheists, socialists, marxists or muslim.  We are, by our founding and affirmation, a republic.  But our enemies seek to infiltrate, lie, connive, scheme and work year after year to subdue our spirit and fundamentally change our country.  They will say anything to achieve their goals.  A lie, to them, is a means to an end.  They will and DO lie.

To defeat them, we MUST educate ourselves and others, especially our children.  We must be ever watchful.  We must be active.  Our country has often needed it’s patriots, and today is one of those times.  Our government, our economic system, our churches and schools have been thoroughly infiltrated.  After reading the Communists goals of 1963, you will be able to recognize them.

Stand strong and defeat them.

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Posted on May 20, 2010. Filed under: 2010 election, ACORN, Big Brother, Capitalism, Communism, Constitution, Democrats, Dictator, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Hate Speech/Crime Bill, Health Care, Liberty, Marxism, Obama, Obama's Associates & Appointees, politics, SEIU, Socialism, sovereignty, terrorism, U.S. Government, Uncategorized, Who Is Obama? |

This photo was taken during Obama’s 2008 campaign for president.  Remember that during those days, he refused to wear the American Flag lapel pin.  Look what he did not refuse to wear in this photo. SEIU’s logo has a purple background and their T-shirts are purple.  Look at Obama’s tie color – purple.  In the first video, Obama promises to turn America purple.   Telling, isn’t it?

Now who and what has Obama stood with and worked beside, right there with them for over twenty years, in his own words?

You will want to visit this site below.   Main stream media isn’t covering this.  Mob rule, like that of Kenya, thankfully without the machetes.

Every American should be appalled that this type of intimitadation is allowed, pacified and not prosecuted in a court of law, while we still have courts of law.  Obama is a street rabble-rouser which is exactly what community organizers do.  They come into carefully chosen neighborhoods and pick until they find an issue they can use to rile up the citizens.  Then they talk it up with emotion, short of true facts, and whip the people into anger and action.  Remember hearing about angry mobs stringing up people without a trial?  Where are we headed?

Andy Stern was the head of SEIU in America for years, the years Obama says he worked side-by-side with SEIU.  Andy Stern went to the White House 23 times in the first few  months of Obama’s first year as President, many times more than ANYONE else.   Andy Stern left his post as head of SEIU after the ACORN scandal heated up.  He now heads SEIU Europe.  Great.  ACORN is also organizing internationally.    They want Card Check legislation to force companies to allow unions to take over the operation  of their businesses (which is what it amounts to) and SEIU will rush in immediately.  Thuggery is alive and well in the good ‘ole USA.

The question is:  Will Americans put up with it?  Will YOU put up with it?

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Pennsylvania’s Governor Doesn’t Represent Pennsylvania

Posted on May 11, 2010. Filed under: 2010 election, ALERT!, Big Brother, Constitution, Democrats, Freedom, Hate Speech/Crime Bill, Health Care, Illegal Aliens, Liberty, politics, Socialism, Taxes, U.S. Government, Uncategorized | Tags: , |

This has to be discussed again, because Pennsylvania’s Democrat Governor Ed Rendell was on Fox News defending this harsh ‘big brother” ad this morning.  His defense is that the state needs the  money.  Hmmm.  Doesn’t Pennsylvania spend a lot of money on ILLEGAL ALIENS?  Yes, it does, an estimated $700 million PER YEAR!  (,0,3534912.story

Text of Rendell’s speech on proposed Pennsylvania budget:  (Selected excerpts)

“The worst economic crisis of our lifetime has dramatically re-ordered priorities in Washington, in Harrisburg, and most importantly, around the kitchen tables in homes all across our Commonwealth, where families are asking themselves questions that were unthinkable just six months ago:

What happens next? Will I keep my job? Seventy-six thousand, two hundred Pennsylvanians lost their jobs last year. That’s more people than live in the city of Bethlehem. They are asking themselves: Will I be able to find a new job now? How will I pay my mortgage, or heat my home? How will I pay for my children’s college? What happens if I get sick? How will we survive?

For far too many of our fellow citizens, what has happened in the last year has shaken their faith in our economic system, because they’re losing their grip on their own piece of the American dream….

…to address the current year deficit which we project could be as high as $2.3 billion, we cut spending by a half-billion dollars, …

…Expenditures in the budget I propose decrease by point two percent – let me repeat that, in the budget I am proposing, General Fund expenditures decrease by point two percent. In large part this reduction is due to the relief we hope to receive from the federal stimulus package …(Notice he doesn’t say the Gen’l Fund will be decreased by cutting spending.  He attributes the decrease to getting our tax dollars from the stimulus package.)

In assessing our expenditures, it is important that everyone understand that increases are often driven by mandates that cannot be altered in the budget process and we do not control. By federal law, we must pay for increases in health care spending in our programs that provide care to children, seniors and vulnerable families. Our prison population continues to grow in spite of our best efforts to expand alternative sentencing. Clearly this increases Corrections spending, since our collective bargaining agreements mandate a ratio of staff to prisoners so that we run our prisons safely. Our general union agreements include pay increases next year. This obligation alone adds $92 million to our expenditures.  (Increased health care spending is the result of the Democrats’ Health Care Law passed this year, even though states cannot afford it.) 

(States’ prison population is increasing largely due to the increased use of drugs coming across America’s poreous borders.  Sadly for families all across this country, our prisons are now populated to a larger degree by our kids in their teens and early twenties.  Drug use has been glamorized and made acceptable by the entertainment industry, separating the use from it’s dreadful consequences.  Our government will not close the borders and keep more of the drugs out of America and off the streets. Drugs are very accessible to our youngest kids now.  Drug pushers hang around our schools, parks and places where they can find a kid.  Once arrested, these kids now have a felony on their record and are locked up at the time when they should be preparing for their careers and going to college or finishing high school.  Legalizing drug use is not the solution.  Drugs destroy lives and health.  Remember that you and I will be paying for everyone’s health care from now on through our taxes.  The solution is to close the borders and stop the flow of illegals and drugs into th U.S.  This will decrease everyone’s expenditures on social services, drug related rehab services, prison expenses, law enforcement and judicial expenses and health care costs. )

In summary, Rendell’s speech describes cuts in services and education that will affect citizens and cuts in pay for non-union workers, but not union workers.  Seems if you’re a union worker or an illegal alien, you’re okay.  If you’re not in a union or you’re a citizen, well you have to sacrifice to reduce the budget.  There is no discussion of the expense burden of illegal aliens.

What has Ed Rendell said in the past about efforts to deal with the illegal alien problem?

“Referring to attempts to enforce immigration laws, Rendell bellowed:

‘A lot of this is being pushed by politicians who… feed off hate and divisiveness.

The only ones I want to hear speaking up and complaining about immigration are the Native Americans who we screwed.'”

Ed Rendell is not representing the citizens who elected him.  He is defending the illegal aliens who broke the laws of the country and sneaked in  here. They will not suffer the consequences of their illegal actions.  YOU will suffer higher taxes and loss of services in your own country, in order to cater to them.

I hope Pennsylvania will NOT re-elect Ed Rendell.

I’d like to say to Gov. Rendell that America is not going back to 1492 and the illegals are not Native Americans, and this was never their country.  They were born somewhere else.  So you’re statements are hateful and devisive, AND RIDICULOUS.

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Scott Brown for President? Not So Fast.

Posted on January 20, 2010. Filed under: 2010 election, Health Care | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

After last night’s election of Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts, the throne held by Teddy Kennedy for decades, thoughts turned immediately to Scott Brown’s potential to win the presidency.  That’s not a well-thought-out reaction.  Scott Brown was the one who took on the challenge and won, but not necessarily because he is a great Republican or even a great moral man.  Most of us in the U.S. know nothing about him. 

In the past, people got excited about Colin Powell and begged him to run for president as the Republican candidate before they knew much about his political beliefs or even his party affiliation.  He was a handsome, well-educated, well-spoken four-star general who became very popular.  As it turned out, he affiliated with the Republican Party, but was very left-leaning and moderate, opposing some of the Party’s platform, which is not helpful to achieving those goals.  Eventually, he publicly endorsed the Democrat candidate for president over his own long-time friend and fellow veteran, Sen. John McCain.

In a “morning-after” interview aired on Fox News, Brown was asked if he favored the “big tent” theory for the Republican Party and he made it clear that he does.   Others who have advocated this position are; Colin Powell, who voted for the Democrat in the presidential election, abandoning his own Republican party; John McCain, who lost the election because of Republicans like Colin Powell who voted against his own party; former Congressman Christopher Shays, who was defeated by the Democrat he wanted to compromise with, perhaps because there was no clear difference between the candidates; and former Sen. Jim Jeffords, who eventually left the Republican party and caucused with the Democrats.  There are many others; some who are still in the Grand Old Party.  Watch those still in the GOP and see if they lose their elections, leave the Party and/or vote with the Democrats.

The moral is, either you’re a Republican or you’re not.  The Party has a platform – goals they are working to achieve.  If you’re advocating “not” achieving those goals, why are you a Republican?  Join the Party because you share their beliefs, not for the purpose of weakening their ability to accomplish their stated (and voted on) platform goals.  If you don’t share those beliefs, you’re in the wrong party.

Some have championed the virtue of “compromise”.  You should compromise when you’re out with friends and some want to eat Mexican food, while others want Italian food.  You should never compromise on your core values, your moral values, your principles.  You should never sell your values for some benefit, which politicians seem to do often.  The consequences of compromising your core beliefs are, more often than not, very damaging to people and to the country. 

Let’s take a wait and see attitude towards today’s winner, Scott Brown.  I’m glad he won because he wants to stop the current health care debacle bill and he was our last chance for that.  But President?  Not so fast,

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Racist Tax and Government Doctors by Democrats!

Posted on December 21, 2009. Filed under: Communism, Constitution, Democrats, Dictator, Freedom, Health Care, Liberty, Marxism, Obama, Obama's Associates & Appointees, politics, SEIU, Socialism, U.S. Government |

News flash.  Fox News is reporting that the Democrats’ health care bill has a 10% tax on tanning beds.  Now who do you think uses tanning beds?  White people!  I’ve never heard of African-Americans or Latinos going to tanning salons to get a tan!  Have you?  This has to be a racist tax!

This health care bill will drive private doctors to leave their practices because of the cuts in their payments.  Earlier, the government took over student loans.  Very few students can pay for their own medical school tuition and most take out student loans.  Now they have to get those medical student loans from the government.  Obama wants to require ten years of service of those who get a student loan from the government.  That results in government doctors.  In effect, the government will drive private doctors out of practice and citizens will have to go to the new government doctors working off their student loans.  After ten years of government service, and the cuts in doctors’ pay, these government doctors will never go to private practice.

Thanks Obama and Democrats for a future government health care and government doctors, with no where else to go.  Can you call this freedom?  NO!

The new health care bill is over 2,000 pages long.  Freedom is one word and takes no pages.  You don’t have to write anything when societies are totally free.  Only when there are restrictions do you have to write anything down.   You have to put in writing those restrictions and conditions that apply.  Over 2,000 pages suggests just how much freedom is being taken from Americans  That’s 2,000 pages of what you MAY OR MAY  NOT DO OR RECEIVE.   RESTRICTIONS OF YOUR FREEDOM –  2,000 PAGES!,0,5671826.story –  (THIS IS A BULLETIN FROM AARP!)  – THIS IS NASDAQ, THE STOCK EXCHANGE!

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Senate’s Latest Health Care Plan – You’ve Got to Be Kidding!

Posted on November 19, 2009. Filed under: 2010 election, Communism, Health Care, Liberty, Political, politics, SEIU, Socialism, U.S. Government |

Infant in the womb

Read what’s in the Senate’s latest health care bill.  It’s radical and un-American.

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“To defend the Constitution against all enemies…domestic”

Posted on October 19, 2009. Filed under: Cap and Trade, Census, Christianity, Clinton, Communism, Constitution, Democrats, Dictator, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, global governance, Global Warming/Cimate Change, Guns, Hate Speech/Crime Bill, Health Care, Hillary, Islam, Liberty, Marxism, Muslims, News Media, Obama, Obama's Associates & Appointees, Political, Rush Limbaugh, SEIU, Socialism, terrorism, U.S. Government, Uncategorized, United Nations, Who Is Obama? |


…to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God. Our Oath is to the Constitution


 1. We will NOT obey orders to disarm the American people.2. We will NOT obey orders to conduct warrantless searches of the American people.3. We will NOT obey orders to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to military tribunal.

4. We will NOT obey orders to impose martial law or a “state of emergency” on a state.

5. We will NOT obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty.

6. We will NOT obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.

7. We will NOT obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under any pretext.

8. We will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to “keep the peace” or to “maintain control.”

9. We will NOT obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies.

10.We will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

Oath Keepers –

Which of these oaths scare you?  Which of these oaths are dangerous?  Which of these oaths sound like a “revolt”?

How many of these oaths  are completely in line with the U.S. Constitution?

Answer:  All of them are completely in line with the U.S. Constitution.

Dictators cannot control a country without the cooperation of armies and police forces threatening  with weapons and imprisonment.  Without armed forces obeying the dictates of a despot in office, there can be no  dictatorship.  Our Constitution set up the rules to guarantee our freedom and liberty, but a despot will ignore them, write new laws that benefit him/herself and send the armed forces and police to intimidate, arrest and shoot protestors.  We’ve seen this scenario played out around the world too many times.

How does a despot get in office in the first place?  He/she lies to the electorate about what they believe in, what they stand for, and what they will do if elected.  They espouse a populist message, telling voters what they know the voters favor.    But once in office, they immediately begin to implement their own agenda, which takes away the freedoms of the people one by one until all liberty is lost.  The dictator has two goals; lifetime power and personal wealth.  BUT, he will tell the citizens that he only wants to help YOU, give YOU what YOU want and need, make YOUR life better.  While a dictator-in-the-making may throw YOU a bone or two to keep YOU satisfied and unsuspicious, he/she is busily laying the foundation for THEIR OWN power and wealth behind closed doors.

They use “crisis” to make drastic un-Constitutional moves and circumvent the laws designed to protect our freedom.  Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel has said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”  It’s obvious that Obama believes that, too.

There are many citizens, some in the media, who will not believe this is happening until it’s irreversible.   Wouldn’t it be much wiser and safer to pay close attention to everything from the beginning and nip any such behavior in the bud, so that our freedom is never in jeopardy and we have little to nothing to reverse? 

Of course, it’s difficult to believe this could ever happen in America, but look at what has already happened that is unbelievable; czars, bank take-overs, GM take-over, student loans take-over, brainwashing in the schools, NEArts collusion, crooks in Congress and the Presidential cabinet, queering of elementary schools (Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar, Kevin Jennings), Miranda rights to enemy combatants captured in war, the President slandering America all around the world, mocking Christianity while praising the Muslim faith, giving away our sensitive national defense secrets, cozying up to despots and dictators around the world, snubbing our friends and allies around the world, purposely devaluing the U.S. dollar, advocating America sign world treaties that over-ride the U.S. Constitution, giving away more money than Americans can earn and pay for generations to every outlandish idea while decreasing the funding for America’s military engaged in two wars,  and on and on and on.  Next on the horizon IS Obama going to Copenhagen to sign away our democracy to a world treaty on climate change!  This MUST BE STOPPED NOW.  This is another document with dangerous fine print not read by our elected officials, nor by the general public.

The Oath Keepers see the handwriting on the wall and are saying flatly, “Not on our watch!”  They took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution and have pledged to keep that oath no matter who is in office.  If they are ever asked to violate the Constitution, they will NOT. 

Some in the Obama-controlled news media are characterizing this group as “dangerous”, “radicals”, and using the label “revolt” to describe what their intentions are.  This is all a false smear campaign.  Why would Obama care if he has no intentions of ever asking the military or law enforcement agencies to violate the Constitution?  Why would the media attack a group that is saying, “We will uphold the Constitution if ordered to violate it.”

The Las Vegas Review-Journal online is going so far as to connect Timothy McVeigh and other “nut jobs” who have committed crimes and murder with the Oath Keepers.

In a July report titled “Return of the Militias,” the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center singled out Oath Keepers as “a particularly worrisome example of the Patriot revival.”

The Patriot movement, so named because its adherents believe the federal government has stepped on the constitutional ideals of the American Revolution, gained traction in the 1990s and has been closely linked to anti-government militia and white supremacist movements.

The movement is blamed for spawning Timothy McVeigh, who bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995, killing 168 people.

“I’m not accusing Stewart Rhodes or any member of his group of being Timothy McVeigh or a future Timothy McVeigh,” law center spokesman Mark Potok said. “But these kinds of conspiracy theories are what drive a small number of people to criminal violence. …”

The author of this smear piece has left himself an “out” by saying, “I’m not accusing…”  Of course he is.  He wants to discredit this group so that they will be shamed out of business.  This group poses a threat to Obama and others who may follow him.  

It’s a tactic that’s been used before.  When talk show host, Rush Limbaugh was the fastest growing program on radio and/or television in the nineties, the Clinton administration and their left-wing buddies in the media, tried to connect McVeigh with Limbaugh.  They deliberately and methodically tried to blame Limbaugh for inciting McVeigh to commit the atrocity of the Oklahoma City bombing.  It wasn’t true and the American people were too smart to buy that tripe.  They won’t buy it this time, either.  They also see  the handwriting on the wall.  The news media in conjunction with the Obama administration tried to smear the Tea Party Movement recently.  They tried to scare people into believing that this movement was full of dangerous radicals inciting violence.  Americans didn’t buy that.  Instead, they joined them.

The Obama administration is a lot scarier than the Oath Keepers. 

Let’s all subscribe to the same motto today.  “Not on my watch!.”  We must ensure the same freedom and liberties for our kids and grandkids that we enjoyed growing up.  We must protect America, the last bastion of true freedom on the planet.  Where will the huddled masses go if America falls to a despot regime?


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