Archive for May, 2011

WILL OBAMA GET AWAY WITH IT? Birth Certificate Fraud

Posted on May 23, 2011. Filed under: birth certificate, Christianity, Communism, Constitution, Democrats, Dictator, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, global governance, Indonesia, Kenya, Liberty, Marxism, McCain, News Media, Obama, planet, politics, Socialism, sovereignty, U.S. Government, United Nations, Who Is Obama? | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


Oppose Obama at your own peril!

Did you think the Obama birth certificate controversary was over and settled when the White House posted a document on their web site and all of the media, including Fox News, declared Obama a U.S. citizen eligible to hold the office of President?  If you did, then you would be wrong.  Dr. Jerome Corsi’s new book came out a few days after the White House’s pre-emptive move to squelch interest and severely limit the sales of Where’s the Birth Certificate?  The case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to Be President. 

The reaction of Fox News is puzzling since they are the only broadcaster to present both sides of any other issue, but in the case of Obama’s birth certificate, they are loathe to entertain the idea that something is amiss.  If Obama is ineligible, Fox News would be just as guilty as Obama, for perpetuating the cover-up rather than investigating seriously with intent to discover the truth.  It would seem that Fox News has chosen to pass up their opportunity to report the NEWS OF THE CENTURYout of fear of being wrong and looking foolish (you know, being one of those ridiculous “birthers”) or more likely, FEAR OF OBAMA’S WRATH!

Obama’s campaign team boasts of its close association with Google and Facebook, and hired Lawrence Lessig, technology guru,   to advise them on campaigning on the internet in 2007/8.  Is it really out of the realm of possibility that this group could forge a birth certificate for Obama?  Of course not.  Is it totally unthinkable that this group would do such a thing to get and keep Obama in the most powerful office on the planet, the power to get extreme left policies in place, the ticket to wealth, fame and power for progressives?  The answer is obvious.

For a more revealing look at Lawrence Lessig, visit  Obama says he’s a Christian, but hired this anti-Christianity guy, who went so far as to denegrate Jesus in public in a vicious way and laughed about it. 

Do these people really have the scruples that would prevent them from executing a lucrative fraud?  There’s no evidence of such scruples.  Did anyone have difficulty believing that Nixon and his team commited fraud and cover-up?  No.  What’s so different about Obama that it’s inconceivable that he and his  bunch would commit fraud for the sake of power, wealth and fame?  Many people have committed great frauds for wealth, but add great power and it’s even more tempting and more likely, especially when there is enough evidence to suspect.

Obama also has the support of gazillionaire, George Soros and a very wealthy Arab, Dr. Khalid Al-Mansour, who is noted for his intervention in  Obama’s acceptance to Harvard.    All the money needed to create a sham biography and cover up the true bio is easily at Obama’s disposal. 

Why all the skeptism and doubt is beyond explanation.  The Congress, the news media, conservatives, Obama’s political opponents, all prefer to go along with the cover-up for two reasons:  supporters to keep him in power, opponents not wishing to look like tin foil hat wearing “birthers”  GOD FORBID SUCH A FATE!.  Opponents fail to recognize who coined the moniker “birthers”.  It was Obama’s supporters in a defensive move.  Why play by their rules instead of truth?  In fact, the democrats and Obama’s team brought up the issue of Sen. John McCain’s eligibility to serve as president based on his place of birth and demanded to see his birth certificate, which McCain happily and QUICKLY produced. None in the media called Democrats or Obama’s team “birthers.”  NONE!

Dr. Jerome Corsi’s book will still be in the public during the 2012 campaign season and World Net Daily will still be investigating and reporting.  Those who are smart enough, will still be proving that the White House document was produced by placing layer of information upon layer of information, to build the bio that fits Obama’s public statements.  A document typed on a 1961 typewriter, then scanned in 2011, cannot be broken into a dozen or more separate layers.  It was produced in one step – typing the info on paper.  Scanning does not produce multiple layers as shown in the many YouTube videos online.  Get the free version of Adobe Illustrator, download the WH document, and see for yourself.

What’s to be gained by covering up Obama’s felony, treason and fraud? 



“In a television interview last October, President Obama accidentally let slip a key element of his political philosophy: “We’re gonna punish our enemies, and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.”

Obama later apologized — not for the underlying sentiment, mind you, but for his word choice. “I probably should have used the word ‘opponents’ instead of enemies,” the president declared.”

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For Lack of a Statesman

Posted on May 12, 2011. Filed under: ALERT!, Democrats, Dictator, Freedom, Illegal Aliens, immigration, Obama, politics, terrorism, U.S. Government | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

This is the White House in Washington, D.C.  It is currently occupied by this president.

This speech is dispicable for so many reasons.  Particularly offensive are the comments beginning at 19:00 in the speech.

The history of the border fence, what little there is, begins with a 14 mile stretch in SanDiego, California, which border patrol agents have said is effective for that area.  The rest of the 2100 mile U.S. Mexico border remained wide open until Republican Pres. George W. Bush signed a bill into law in 2006 which would build another 700 mile segment, still leaving 1400 unprotected miles. 

“The bill was introduced on Sep. 13, 2006 by Peter T. King (R-NY). In the House of Representatives, the Fence Act passed 283 -138 on September 14, 2006. On September 29, 2006 – the Fence Act passed in the Senate 80 -19. Most Republicans voted in support of the Fence Act while most Democrats voted against it.[2]”  From Wikipedia   Source: Obama & McCain back-to-back speeches at NALEO Jun 28, 2008

Take note that it was a Republican who proposed the bill and Republicans who voted for it and Democrats who opposed it and voted against it.  Would there be any fence if the President’s party had their way?  NO.  They voted against it.

As a U. S. Senator, Obama voted for the fence, but has since backed away, sensing the disapproval of Latino Democrat voters, as did Hillary Clinton.  As if he lived in a cacoon somewhere on Mars, he answered a question about his position on the border and illegal immigration this way:

“For all the noise and anger that too often surrounds the immigration debate, America has nothing to fear from today’s immigrants. They have come here for the same reason that families have always come here–for the hope that in America, they could build a better life for themselves and their families. Like the waves of immigrants that came before them and the Hispanic Americans whose families have been here for generations, the recent arrival of Latino immigrants will only enrich our country.”  Barack Obama,  Source: Obama & McCain back-to-back speeches at NALEO Jun 28, 2008

Nothing to fear from all those illegal immigrants.  Don’t fear the drug cartels that behead their victims and dump the headless bodies in public places to terrorize citizens.  No need to fear the high-powered weapons they use to gun people down on our side of the border.  The thefts, property destruction, rapes and kidnappings should not disturb our sleep at night.  We should feel perfectly safe with drug cartels targeting our kids with highly addictive drugs and dangerous gangs ruling some neighborhoods and initiating new members with drive-by shootings, or settling turf wars by murdering their rivals.  Don’t worry about being caught in a cross-fire.  And as you write that big check to the IRS and your state and local taxes, don’t worry about how much of it is required to finance the jam-packed prisons and jails needed to house all the illegal alien criminals that will probably get out someday and commit another crime.

(This is where there should be a photo of people killed by illegals, but gore isn’t needed.  Everyone except the guy behind the heavily guarded fence at the White House knows what’s going on at our border.)

After Obama moved to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue behind heavily-guarded fences, the clamor for a southern border fence grew too loud to ignore.  Fox News had reporters on-site filming lots of illegals streaming across umimpeded.  They filmed the large number of guns and weapons confiscated from apprehended illegals and the truckloads of drugs netted.

What happens when someone climbs the U.S.-Mexican border fence most of the time?

Usually nothing!

What happens when someone climbs the fence at Obama’s residence?

Does Obama feel unsafe without a fence, or without guards at the fence?  Does he fear for his family?  The citizens of the border states fear for their safety and the safety of their families, too.  They appealed to Obama for help.  To be fair, Obama and his Homeland Security Chief, Janet Napolitano, who also believes the border is safe, even though she said just the opposite when she was the governor of Arizona, decided to build a high tech fence rather than a physical one.  Oh wait!  That was also a Republican Pres. George W. Bush project Obama and Napolitano cancelled it, offering nothing in its place.  The project was too expensive and didn’t work, costing $1 billion and five wasted years.  Cancelled in 2010, it was the last effort to build a barrier to illegals.

Obama lives safely behind a physical fence with human guards, dogs and security cameras, while Texans, Arizonans, New Mexicans, Californians, and many states northward, live in danger, possesions stolen and/or defaced, and have to endure Obama telling them that the fence is finished, he added plenty of border patrol and the nation is safer than it’s ever been.  EVERYONE IN THE BORDER STATES KNOWS ITS UNTRUE!

To add insult to injury, Obama sarcastically mocked and laughed at the people in danger without admonishing the illegals climbing the fence portion that does exist, without demanding that the murder, human trafficking, drug running, rape, theft and property damage stop.  Without the slightest stern warning to the law-breakers, Obama insults the victims!  A higher fence, Mr. President?  How about any fence?  How about tearing down that fence around the White House and leaving it down until there is a fence around the U.S.?

The web site for the U. S. Customs and Border Protection Agency above provides a map of the U.S.-Mexico border showing the progress of the border fence.  A green line is finished fence.  A yellow line is fence under construction.  A red line is fence that is planned but not yet under construction.  You will notice a lot of green lines, but note that there are breaks in the line that amount to miles.  You will also notice that Texas is wide open, with only a small portion of fencing at El Paso.  I wonder why Obama made his “fence speech” at El Paso rather than further south in Texas.  I know why he didn’t choose to go to Arizona.  He is suing them.  This is the only map on their site and it’s dated 12/29/2009.  It appears that nothing has been planned since then and no construction is under way.  That represents the two years that Obama has been in the White House, yet in his speech he talks as if he has finished the fence and satisfied everyone’s requests, but Republicans keep moving the goal posts.

Regarding his statement that “they will want a higher fence”, it might be a good idea, considering all the video of illegals climbing over the existing fence.  What good is a fence that can be scaled?

This was not the speech of a statesman.  Not the speech of an informed politician.  Not the spirit of a president of the United States.  This was a vindictive slap at those  who dared fight back when he said “no.”    The border states asked for federal border control to keep them safe.  They were rebuffed.  When they had no other choice but to defend themselves, Obama sued the state of Arizona to block them from their own defense.  While no one has asked for a mote or an alligator, Obama has dogs that can tear your leg off if you climb his fence. 

Obama incorrectly assumes that the only aliens crossing our border illegally are honest hard-working Mexicans coming here to work so they can feed their families. Well, how honest can they be if they break the law to get here, take a fake social security number, falsify documents to conceal their immigrant status, take pay in cash to avoid paying taxes, use our welfare and medical benefits reserved for citizens, etc., etc., etc.?  Since none of these illegals check in with anyone, they can be from any country with any motive, such as felons escaping prison in their home countries,  Al Qaeida, Hamas, Hezbollah, Chinese spies, Russian spies, Venezuelans, virtually anyone with any motive – terrorism being the highest on the list.

Obama has forgotten that he is the president of the United States and should behave accordingly, sensitive to the needs of all citizens, and not a stand-up comic taking shots at people he doesn’t like.

Shame on Mr. Obama.


Where did these guns come from? The government’s deadly Fast and Furious gun running scheme?



So the fence is finished, high enough, there’s enough border patrol and we are safe.  Hogwash!

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Cap and Trade Backdoor Scheme – STOP IT!

Posted on May 11, 2011. Filed under: Al Gore, ALERT!, Big Brother, Cap and Trade, Capitalism, Communism, Constitution, Democrats, Energy, environmentalism, environmentalists, Freedom, global governance, Global Warming/Cimate Change, globalization, junk science, Lindsey Graham, Marxism, McCain, Mother Earth, Obama, politics, science, Socialism, sustainability, Taxes, U.S. Government | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |



It’s Time for Congress to Vote on The Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011

For weeks now, Congress has debated President Obama’s big government energy agenda and specifically, his continued efforts to implement a backdoor cap and trade scheme through the massive EPA bureaucracy that he controls.

Energy prices, including ever-skyrocketing gasoline prices at the pump, continue to climb in the wake of Obama’s irresponsible actions and it is clear that NOW is the time for Congress to act.


The Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 (S. 482 in the Senate & H.R. 910 in the House), authored by Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) and Representative Fred Upton (R, MI-6), would stop Obama’s cap and trade scheme by completely stripping the EPA of its ability to use the ‘Clean Air Act’ to regulate greenhouse gases. This is important legislation that would take serious steps towards addressing high energy cos ts and ensuring America’s energy security.

The U.S. House of Representatives took the first step and passed H.R. 910. Thanks to grassroots pressure from limited-government activists like you, this legislation passed by an overwhelming margin…but now the battle moves to the U.S. Senate.

It’s time to demand that the Senate hold a vote on The Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011.

Use FreedomWorks online action center: CLICK HERE to send an urgent message to your Senators on this important issue and CLICK HERE to use our online phone system to call their offices toll free. Tell them that the Inhofe-Upton Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011 is critical to stopping the threat of spiraling energy costs and urge them to vote on — and vote for — this bill!

Momentum is building towards ending Obama’s backdoor cap and trade scheme once and for all, but your help is needed to see this fight through to the end.


Dick Armey
Chairman, FreedomWorks

400 North Capitol Street, NW
Suite 765
Washington,DC 20001
Telephone: 1.888.564.6273

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