Archive for January, 2011

Here’s What’s Behind Egypt’s Uprising

Posted on January 31, 2011. Filed under: ALERT!, Communism, Dictator, Freedom, Freedom of Speech, global governance, globalization, Hillary, Islam, Kenya, Liberty, Marxism, Muslims, News Media, Obama, politics, Socialism, sovereignty, terrorism, U.S. Government, Uncategorized, United Nations | Tags: , , , , , , |

Peaceful????  What did the police react to?  Who would be the recipient of these large rocks that can cause some real injuries, especially if they strike someone in the head?  In fact one policeman was killed when struck in the head with large rocks.

For your consideration:  Please read this article thoughtfully.  You must know these things to understand properly what you hear on the American news and to recognize what is omitted.

Knowing that George Soros is behind,  and taking full advantage of, the uprising in Egypt and other countries, will explain Obama’s position on these events.  Watch who Obama supports.  Global Voices (Soros Org) Media Matters (Soros Org).

The Muslim Brotherhood is not a benign harmless group whose only desire is to free the people from Mubarek’s reign.  They are tied to terrorists groups, including Hamas.  They do want Israel to be annihilated.  They also hate the USA.  We are most definitely on their list for this same take-over tactic.  We may be next or two or threes positions down the list, but WE ARE ON THEIR LIST.  We are their prize jewel along with Israel.  They will not rest until they have complete victory here.  They are most likely to act in America while Obama is president and he may only have two more years.  Watch for it.  Oppose it vigorously.

After viewing tons of images from the protests and reading hundreds of tweets from protestors and supporters, questions about the purity of the protestors and their goals arise.  How is it that tens of thousands of ordinary citizens just decided to go to the same location on the same day, January 25th, and protest the Mubarek dictatorship?  They could not have.  The January 25th protest was planned over time and executed. But by whom?

Organizers chose to protest on Egypt’s national holiday, National Police Day, which commemorates the day, January 25, 1952, that the Egyptian Police refused to obey British orders to hand over weapons and evacuate Ismailia Police Station.  Fifty-two police officers were killed when the British Army surrounded the station with tanks and overcame the Egyptian Police Officers.  A Facebook page was set up to advertise and recruit.  About 2,000 signed up to protest in that city, Ismailia, 200 in Aswan and 3,000 in Mahallah.  By the morning of the 25th, about 90,000 had signed up to protest all over the country. was a huge part of the protests until the government of Egypt shut down the internet and cell phone services.  For a more interesting look at the Egyptian protests, go to and search #Egypt and #Jan25.

A Google search for images of the riots in the streets produced benign pictures of people with handmade signs congregating in the streets, rows of men bowed down (faces on the ground and posteriors in the air) in front of army tanks and the bloody injured (all protestors, of course).  For three days, tweets carried links to actual photos from the riots showing mobs carrying sticks and rocks, setting fires to buildings, looting shopping malls, attacking police, burning piles of wood and tires and vehicles, and breaking into museums destroying ancient artifacts that bring Egypt a great deal of much-needed tourism.  Citizens armed with sticks formed human chains and guarded the museums, throwing out looters.  The police and army were tied up by the riots elsewhere.

Another aspect of the riots not covered by photos in a Google search or even the New York Times, as far as I’ve been able to find, were the elaborate printed signs carried by many of the protestors.  They must have been printed out well in advance at a cost to the organizers and handed out somewhere.  This was not spontaneous. 

Many signs were of Mubarek with the familiar Israeli state Star of David drawn over his face.  Many signs were anti-America and anti-Israel.  Most disturbing were the photos of an Egyptian holding a tear gas canister  with “Made in the U.S.”  printed on it.  They made a point of linking the U.S. to the tanks, rubber bullets and tear gas canisters used on the protestors by Mubarek’s army.  Tweets said, “America, stop supporting a dictator.”    Many referred to rubber bullets flying over the heads of Egyptians made by the U.S.  Some referred to army tanks made in the USA attacking Egyptians.  There was a clear segment of this uprising who was actively inciting hatred against the USA and Israel.

It should be noted that Egypt is an ally and friendly to the U.S.  We are allowed by law to sell defense weapons to allies.  We have little control over an ally’s decision to use these against their own people.  It’s also noteworthy that the protestors arrived with sticks, rocks, materials to start fires, and angry masses.  It’s normal for a government to send armed police and armies to quell violence.  The army held back as much as possible, from what I’ve been able to find in reports online, tweets and video. Live streaming video on Al Jazeera TV was another great source until Mubarek’s government pulled their license and revoked the credentials of the staff.  Having not been there personally, I can only say what I’ve been able to find through many available sources. Do your own research.

Two American companies were also made targets of the hatred:  Narus and Combined Systems, Inc.   CSI manufactures the tear gas and smoke grenades. 

“Narus provides Telecom Egypt, the state-controlled, dominant internet and telephone company, with deep packet inspection (DPI) technology. The specifics are complex, but DPI is essentially a filter that allows network administrators to track and scrutinize content being transmitted via the internet and cell phones.”

This wouldn’t matter after Mubarek pulled the plug on cell phones and the internet, a tactic proposed to America’s legislature by Ind. Sen. Joe Lieberman and co-sponsored by Republican in name only, Sen. Susan Collins, which seeks to give Obama a “kill switch” and authority to use it at his discretion.  This must not pass, as it violates freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

Does anyone really believe that the two American companies purposely manufactured those products to oppress the Egyptian people?  Those could be used to defend Egypt against foreign invaders and by Egyptian armies fighting in wars in other countries, like Afghanistan.  Some protestors want to incite hatred against America and all things American, and Israel.  Sounds like anti-Western Muslim sentiment coming from The Muslim Brotherhood.

The same thing occurred in Tunisia, earlier, and is planned for other countries; Syria, Yemen, Albania, Palestine (again), Nigeria, Sudan.

There’s no doubt that the people want to be free.  It’s the universal heart’s desire of all people around the world.  America should always support freedom and government of the people, by the people and for the people everywhere.  But it is prudent and necessary to our own interests to see who might be taking advantage of the people’s grievances to usurp power and control, such as the Muslim Brotherhood.

Research Global Voices, founded by George Soros, who is anti-Semitic, and very much a socialist/Marxist.  He’s using this opportunity to achieve his goals.  This man has been interfering in governments and economies all around the world for decades.  He can influence Obama to be on the wrong side of this conflict.

When you hear people say, or read headlines proclaiming, “Don’t fear The Muslim Brotherhood”, be very suspicious.   It’s like telling people, “Don’t fear the grim reaper.”    The Muslims who truly hate Israel and America have been migrating to every country in the world, settling in among the citizens, growing families, building mosques and loyalty among their people.  They plant the seeds of distrust of America and Israel in the minds of their people for a future “protest” against the leaders of those countries.  When the time is right, as it now is in Egypt, Tunisia, and the rest of the Middle East, they call for the protests.  They convince the people that they are victims of a corrupt government who is responsible for the lack of jobs while acquiring personal wealth.

I can’t say that every Muslim in the world is exactly like every other Muslim.  I can say that it is obvious that enough of them are alike to topple the government of Tunisia and possibly Egypt.  They gained control in Iran when the Shah was toppled.  No one favors dictatorships, but what replaces them is equally important.  It takes time to set up opposing political parties and hold free and fair elections, but the Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t allow that time.  They are ready and waiting to rush in and install their man as the “savior”. 

Mohammad El Baradei is their guy for Egypt.  He’s rushed in  and set himself up as their leader.  The crowds weren’t shouting “Give us El Baradei!”  He came in on his own and starting making public statements, inserting himself into the media coverage.  You may remember him as the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency of the United Nations during the Clinton administration.   He was supposed to monitor the nuclear ambitions of Iran and Iraq.  His white-washing of Iran’s nuclear program became, and remained controversial until he left.  His son was involved in the “Oil for Food” scandal involving the U.N.’s sanctions against Iraq.  El Baradei also seemed to try to influence America’s presidential election by leaking a report that tons of explosives were missing from Iraq, just in time to cast Pres. Bush in a bad light at the voting booth.  He had sat on the information he cited for weeks, releasing it only when it could harm Bush.

If I was a politician, I would avoid becoming wealthy while in office.  This is the first thing dissidents point to.

What is El Baradei saying to the media, that we should scrutinize for truth?

January 11, 2011  on his Twitter account:  “Cornerstones of change:  transitional period; new constitution; civil state; true democracy; equal rights and social justice.”

He’s appealing to the real needs and grievances of the people to gain their support, but the tip-off is “social justice” which is a term used by socialist/Marxists.  Obama calls it “redistribution of wealth”.  Definition of today’s social justice:   You make it.   Government takes it.  Someone else gets it.  They believe that it is wrong for one person to have wealth while another does not.  They aren’t concerned with how hard the first person worked to earn that wealth or if the other did not.  All should be equal – like communism.  They believe the government should be the “equalizers”, redistributing everyone’s wealth to “level the playing field”.

“They have to listen to the people, listen to them quickly, take concrete action towards reform, to a new Egypt that is democratic, that is based on social justice,”

Be suspicious when Obama and El Baradei both call for “change” and social justice.  Research Kenya’s election where Obama went there and campaigned for Raila Odinga, calling for “change”.

When Hillary Clinton called for a transition period, El Baradei opposed that notion. He wants Mubarek gone today.  El Baradei stands ready to step in now.

January 26, 2011 on his Twitter account:  “We shall continue to exercise our rights of peaceful demonstrations…”

Yet, it wasn’t all peaceful.  They attacked the police, threw rocks, used the sticks they brought on people, namely the police, set buildings on fire, burned vehicles, looted shopping malls and the museum.  Peaceful?  Some may have been peaceful, but any viewing of the photos of how the city and streets looked after a few days of this peaceful demonstration will cause one to question what happened there.

Echoing an idea he introduced to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria (seen on The Blaze earlier), Egypt’s Nobel laureate and self-appointed opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei told ABC’s Christiane Amanpour the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood, which birthed the terror organization Hamas, is an extremist organization is “total bogus” and that the group is “in no way extremists” (interview starts at about 2:10 below):

(Excerpts from

(The Muslim Brotherhood is also known as Ikhwan.)

Riedel calls Ikhwan a “secretive Islamic opposition group” and gives his reasons why “Obama shouldn’t panic.”

“The Muslim Brethren was founded in 1928 by Shaykh Hassan al Banna as an Islamic alternative to weak secular nationalist parties that failed to secure Egypt’s freedom from British colonialism after World War I. Banna preached a fundamentalist Islamism and advocated the creation of an Islamic Egypt, but he was also open to importing techniques of political organization and propaganda from Europe that rapidly made the Brotherhood a fixture in Egyptian politics. Branches of the Brotherhood grew across the Arab world. By World War 2, it became more violent in its opposition to the British and the British-dominated monarchy, sponsoring assassinations and mass violence.”

“Egypt’s new opposition leader, former International Atomic Energy Agency head Mohamed ElBaradei, has formed a loose alliance with the Brotherhood because he knows it is the only opposition group that can mobilize masses of Egyptians, especially the poor.”

 “Skeptics fear El Baradei will be swept along by more radical forces.”

“The Brotherhood raised an army to fight Israel in its war of independence in 1948. Its Palestinian branch was the nucleus for Hamas, and the Brotherhood retains links to the rulers of Gaza.”

“Their base is fundamentally opposed to any Egyptian cooperation with Israel.”

“The crisis in North Africa has come up unexpectedly for President Obama and Secretary Clinton.”  (This is especially troubing for Americans since the internet, Facebook and Twitter were used extensively to advertise and recruit for the protests in Tunisia and Egypt.  The information was there for all to see.  Obama used the internet to get himself elected, raise money, recruit “volunteers” to his causes and improve his poll numbers to a greater degree than any other president.  His people should not have missed this.  If he and Clinton were doing their jobs well, this would not have caught them by surprise.  The Obama administration has been preoccupied with monitoring American citizens on the internet and cell phones.

This is not reassuring at all.  Now that they have the spotlight in Egypt and are beginning to hear criticism and opposition, El Baradei is saying that the Muslim Brotherhood is not a religious organization nor is it violent.  He’s trying to put a clean face on his group to silence a threat to stop them.  Don’t fear the Muslim Brotherhood.  Don’t fear the grim reaper.

For photos of the uprising, visit  Note picture #80.



World Net Daily reported today:

JERUSALEM – The Egyptian government has information a diplomat at the U.S. embassy in Cairo secretly met yesterday with a senior leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, the nation’s major Islamist opposition group, WND has learned.

The topic of the meeting was the future of Egypt following the “fall” of President Hosni Mubarak, an Egyptian intelligence official told WND.

Read more: U.S. ‘held secret meeting with Muslim Brotherhood’

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Arizona Memorial Service Hi-Jacked by Left – Together We Thrive

Posted on January 14, 2011. Filed under: ACORN, Democrats, Obama, politics, SEIU, Uncategorized, Who Is Obama? | Tags: , , , , , , , |

“Together We Thrive” 

That slogan gained notoriety at the Arizona Memorial Service for the victims of the massacre that killed six and injured many others, including Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and Fed. Judge John Roll.  People were shocked to see blue t-shirts draped over the backs of the chairs in the stadium where the service was held.  No one had ever seen that done at a memorial to the dead and wounded  before.  What on earth is that about?  Workers in red t-shirts had been seen earlier placing the shirts dutifully on each seat.  Fliers bearing the same slogan were given to the attendees, prompting more questions about this oddity at a memorial   And whoever heard of promoting a catchy slogan at such a solemn occasion?  Afterall, this wasn’t a marketing opportunity like the Super Bowl.

So whose idea was it and what was their purpose?  Immediately some pundits blamed the White House and Barack Obama, probably because a segment of the crowd turned the occasion into a rowdy pep rally for President Obama, cheering, clapping, whistling and shouting out.  Such inconsiderate behavior was first blamed on the college students and Obama was deemed an innocent uncomfortable victim who did a superior job of letting it grow into thunderous applause for himself and climaxing with the possibility of another term in the Oval Office.   He never made any effort to calm them down or remind them of the solemnity of the evening and the grieving of the families present.  He certainly should have known to do so. He’s a Harvard grad described by the main stream media as brilliant, savvy, intellectual, intelligent and eloquent. 

Even the fair and balanced Fox News experts said they didn’t believe Obama had anything to do with it and that he looked uncomfortable with all that adulation.  This author was suspicious from the git-go.  Every organization Obama has ever been associated with used t-shirts to solidify a base of supporters, voters, volunteers, organizers, agitators, protestors, union members.    T-shirts seemed to be the key to a leftist hand in this.   


An internet search of the slogan turned up the following web post:

The Chicanos Unidos Arizona were bussed in for the “Together We Thrive Event”.  Being pro-amnesty, pro-illegal immigration, who do you think booed Gov. Jan Brewer when she rose to speak?  Who do you think cheered wildly when Obama rose to speak?   This was the first time this author realized that the service was named, billed and known from it’s inception as the “Together We Thrive Event”, not the Arizona Memorial Service.  Why was this organization bussed in from Phoenix for this event?  Why was anyone bussed in?

Finally, the proof was found at:

As soon as Obama became president he started a volunteer program, Organizing for America, which he hoped would enlist America’s impressionable youth.  Perhaps a strong voter pool for him in the next election?    Notice the slogan “Together We Thrive” at the top of the post dated 2008?  Is it a coincidence that the Together We Thrive event that was expected to be a solemn tribute to the victims turned out to be an Obama campaign rally?  Is Obama just an innocent victim of circumstance?  His poll nmubers have been going down steadily and were in dangerous territory.  He needed a positive to boost his negative approval numbers.  As his former Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”  He didn’t.  Clinton once bemoaned the fact that 9/11, or something like it, never happened during his presidency to give him a legacy other than Monica Lewinsky.

Obama’s presidential campaign of 2008 was extremely heavy on branding.  Obama had a logo which appeared everywhere on everything imagineable, including shirts.   His use of left-wing organizations such as ACORN AND SEIU was “in your face” in their red and purple t-shirts.  Now it appears that the tragedy in Arizona became a branded event, and lo and behold, it was an old Obama brand from 2008.  Organizing for America.  Once an organizer, always an organizer.   Together We Thrive – and get re-elected.


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The Government Gavel War

Posted on January 5, 2011. Filed under: Clinton, Constitution, Democrats, Freedom, Health Care, Hillary, Liberty, Obama, politics, U.S. Government | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

In her farewell address to Congress today, former House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, filibustered from the Chair, touting her accomplishments and the miraculous characteristics of Obamacare as if she was identifying her one claim to fame before she fades from the scene.  Leaning into the microphone, as if in fear of someone dragging her away, she turned the occasion, which should have been the swearing-in of the new House Speaker, John Boehner, into a celebration of the election of Democrat John Kennedy as president, and her tenure of greatness as former House Speaker.  It was painfully reminiscent of former Democrat President Bill Clinton’s all-afternoon-long departure from Washington, D.C.’s presidential limelight. 

The Sargeant of Arms of the House, should have grabbed the hook from the coat closet and pulled her off the stage after she launched into her personal aggrandisement and embarrassing effort to appear greater than her successor, while he stood politely behind her, ever the perfect gentleman.  While she behaved arrogantly, he conducted himself with humility, dismissing her distasteful mocking of his gavel choice.  In her words, “It’s larger than most of the gavels here.”  Perhaps he feels the need to remind the House Democrats that he now holds the power of Speaker and that the Republicans now hold the majority, since their interviews on radio and television sounded as if they were not going to acknowledge that.

In fairness, the gavel that Pelosi carried in her triumphal march through D.C. after passing the much despised Obamacare, certainly looks just as large as Boehner’s gavel, if not bigger.   

In both photos, as well as in her speech today, Pelosi sends the message, “It’s all about me!  It’s all about me!”  Arrogance is a difficult thing to hide.

Contrast her with Speaker Boehner’s demeanor.  Even after Pelosi hands him the gavel and the power and respect that accompanies it, she is STILL standing in front of him, monopolizing the podium and the microphone.  Boehner’s head is down and his message in one of humbleness, hence the tears when he realizes that America has afforded him the opportunities to rise from nothing to something.   He is emotional because he truly appreciates this great country, the freedom we’re all promised and his chance to make a difference in Congress for all of us.   House Speaker John Boehner appreciates and loves the Constitution and is humbled by all that it guarantees.  He stands there humbly as living proof.

One shows arrogance and a love for power, celebrity, and wealth.  The other shows humbleness and a willingness to help others reach their goals and keep their freedom.  One is haughty with nose in the air, clinging to the microphone well beyond what was necessary.  The other is down-to-earth and mindful that he is no better than the rest of us.

To a thundering and very prolonged applause as he was first introduced as the new Speaker of the House,  John Boehner, the man, said, “It’s still just me.”

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