Archive for December, 2010

Frigid Freezing Global Warming. What?

Posted on December 27, 2010. Filed under: Al Gore, ALERT!, Cap and Trade, Capitalism, Communism, Constitution, Democrats, Energy, environmentalism, environmentalists, Freedom, global governance, Global Warming/Cimate Change, junk science, Liberty, News Media, Obama, planet, politics, science, Socialism, sovereignty, Taxes, U.S. Government, uniformitarianism |

Marbie’s Blog has been extremely interested in the global warming/climate change issue for years and blogged extensively about it, always reaching the same conclusion, based on research and truth.  Others are finding the same truth.  Global warming is not occurring.  The climate is not static, but varies from year to year, decade to decade, not caused by the industrial age.  So what is the real agenda behind the global warming/climate change legislation in the works?


You earn it.  They take it.

I found a blog post recently that says it very well.

“This is what global warming is really about — wealth redistribution by people whose beliefs are basically socialist. It has little or nothing to do with climate.”

The author explains this position clearly and is right on target. 

Type the following search terms in Marbie’s Blog search box and read the 17 plus posts discussing global warming/climate change and the people behind the push for legislation to control it:  “SHOCKER!” and “Global Warming”.  The real proof for wealth redistribution is the study of the people working hard to get legislation passed all over the world.  If they really believed they had to save the planet from carbon dioxide exhausts, they would not fly all over the world in jets almost as often as commercial jet pilots, emitting what they say is harmful CO2.  They wouldn’t have multiple homes scattered about the earth, flying from one to the other for personal enjoyment, and using carbon based energy to power, heat and air condition those homes.  These so-called environmentalists are greedy frauds.

They see the opportunity to redistribute America’s wealth using this ruse and divert millions and billions of dollars into their own companies and personal bank accounts along the way.  Don’t be fooled.  Your costs will rise and your bank account will decrease, while their bank accounts increase by millions and billions.  Wake up and tell these crooks to go butt a stump.  You’re keeping your hard-earned money.

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A SHOCKER! Installment 17

Posted on December 7, 2010. Filed under: Cap and Trade, Capitalism, Communism, Constitution, Copenhagen, Democrats, Dictator, Energy, environmentalists, Freedom, Gaia, global governance, Global Warming/Cimate Change, globalization, Marxism, Obama, planet, science, Socialism, sovereignty, U.S. Government, Uncategorized, United Nations | Tags: |


Britain is freezing!

People in Georgia, U.S.A. stood freezing in line for hours to receive help from the government to pay their heating bills.

Please read the following article:

Wikileaks exposes documents revealing the exchange of money for support of the climate change treaties and accords, and the hard-to-miss redistribution of wealth, largely from the U.S. to the rest of the world. 

“Hidden behind the save-the-world rhetoric of the global climate change negotiations lies the mucky realpolitik:  money and threats buy political support; spying and cyberwarfare are used to seek out leverage.

The US diplomatic cables reveal how the US seeks dirt on nations opposed to its approach to tackling global warming; how financial and other aid is used by countries to gain political backing; how distrust, broken promises and creative accounting dog negotiations; and how the US mounted a secret global diplomatic offensive to overwhelm opposition to the controversial “Copenhagen accord“, the unofficial document that emerged from the ruins of the Copenhagen climate change summit in 2009.”

It seems that so many “higher-ups” stand to make fortunes from climate change legislation, that they would do almost anything to make it a certainty, including ignoring actual facts, the exposure of fraud as discussed in emails between the so-called experts and the severe winters burying so much of the planet under tons of snow and ice.

Here’s another good article to read:

Not only is the earth not heating up and melting all the ice caps, nor are the seas taking over the cities, nor are the polar bears going extinct, but the earth is actually getting colder.  Winters are arriving earlier and lasting longer.  Low temperatures, snowfall and blizzards are breaking records.  One author actually wrote in his book that the earth is entering a mini-ice age! 

“20 May 10 – CHICAGO – Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in St. Petersburg, Russia, predicts that a new “Little Ice Age” could begin in just four years.”

The world’s climate change experts – those pushing to limit carbon emissions and curtail the use of carbon fuels –  and ambassadors are meeting in a beautiful sunny resort in Cancun, to find a way to pay off any country not on board yet – probably holding out for more money and deals.  Once again, they’ve chosen a wonderful resort with no thought given to the carbon footprint of flying everyone there and living the “good life” for a week or two, something they don’t want you or I to do.

The U.K.’s Prime Minister, David Cameron, refuses to attend the climate change talks in Cancun, despite a direct appeal from Mexico’s chair of the conference.  Good for him!

It’s a fraud designed to make a lot of people very rich, give a lot of power to a few; and redistribute the wealth to satisfy the Marxists and Socialists and America-bashers.

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