Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate is Another Fraud

Posted on April 29, 2011. Filed under: ALERT!, birth certificate, Constitution, Democrats, Dictator, Freedom, Kenya, Liberty, Marxism, Obama, Orly Taitz, politics, SEIU, Socialism, U.S. Government, Who Is Obama? | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Who’s in the White House?

Barack Hussein Obama, II?  Barry Obama?  Barry Soetoro? Soebarkah, as found underneath his name, Barack Hussein Obama, on Stanley Ann Dunham’s passport renewal application of 1965?  Was he adopted by step-dad Lolo Soetoro in Indonesia?  How many citizenships does he have? One, American?  Two, American and British (Kenya)?  Three – American, British (Kenyan) and Indonesian?

Can we look at his birth certificate and be assured of who it is that’s writing executive orders and signing bills into law?  Not as conclusively as the situation calls for.   First, he sealed all of his records.  Why do that?  Is there something incriminating?  Then he published a certificate of live birth, which accomplishes one thing and one thing only.  It certifies that Stanley Ann Dunham had a son and her address at the time was in Hawaii.  It states that Barack Hussein Obama was his father.  The difficulty with this is that it is a document that anyone could apply for whether or not the child was born in Hawaii and the parents supply the information.  Once the certificate is issued, it triggers the notice in the papers.    The two papers were owned by the same company, hence the identical wording.  (This information has been widely reported online by many researchers.)

During the firestorm over a lack of long form birth certificate, there were reports that Obama couldn’t secure it because the State destroyed them after putting them all on microfiche.  Then,  Democrat Gov. Neil Abercrombie announced that he was going to find that long form and show it to the skeptics and end this controversy.  After weeks of trying, he announced that he could not do it.  We heard that it didn’t exist, but there was a hand-written notation in the books.  A former employee had been saying that it didn’t exist.  Now the public is confused.  More and more high-profile people become suspicious and the  derogatory “birther” label is no longer intimidating.  It hits the main stream media, including Fox News and it’s discussed seriously without tin foil hats.

Finally, Donald Trump, with the funds and the means to send investigators, determines to solve the mystery.  He has the clout to affect Obama’s poll numbers just as the president begins his re-election campaign.   Just days before Jerome Corsi’s book, Where’s the Birth Certificate:  The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to Be President, is due to hit the shelves and be shipped out to thousands of Amazon.com customers,  the country is surprised to learn that a document purported to be Obama’s long form birth certificate is on the whitehouse.gov website in .PDF format.  The president holds a presser in which he is condescending and sarcastic, stating that he has more important things to do – not the skyrocketing $trillions debt, the inflation train barreling down the tracks or the jobless economy making America a  third-world nation.  No, he immediately jets off to do the Oprah show and attend a couple of fund-raisers.  Very important.   Obama would have us believe that we can’t walk and chew gum at the same time – that we can only concentrate on the birth issue and nothing else.  That the five minutes it took him to phone someone and say “put the document online”, kept him from attending to national issues of import.

The country yawned.  The “birthers”, more accurately,  “Constitutionalists”, smelled a rat and the Obama supporters gloated.  Fox News, who had surprised viewers by finally asking the right questions, were relieved to get this monkey off their backs and called it solved – over – file closed once and for all.  BIG MISTAKE!  They will forever be remembered as spineless sycophants.

Not five hours later, the internet was filled with YouTube videos explaining in detail with Adobe Illustrator how the .PDF document had been built on a computer by layering, a technique that takes elements and builds them, one upon another, to get a desired result – a realistic-looking long form birth certificate that says all the right things to make Obama eligible to be President of the United States.  The ease with which techies discovered the layering and broke the document down, section by section, layer by layer, shocked even the techies.  Was this a joke, they wondered.  Could a White House operative be this careless and stupid?  Surely they wanted this to be proven a fraud.  But why? Is it a conspiracy to keep Americans distracted while Obama pulled off some dastardly deed? Obama had already said he believed it was distracting everyone from important issues.  Perhaps he devised a way to use this to his advantage.  But what?

The bottom line is:  For the first time in American history, the citizens don’t know who they’ve elected president and too many of them don’t trust him.  It’s not just his birth, or life narrative that makes them suspicious. It’s the vast number of radicals he filled his administration with and who populate his life.  It’s the bold promises he made during his campaign and his unashamed breaking of almost all of those promises, often doing the exact opposite.  It’s his constant disregard for the Constitution and the rulings of the courts.  It’s his continual bypassing of the people’s house, Congress, when he writes an executive order to pass something that Congress rejected.

Obama’s statements about this latest birth certificate never explained why he sent a team of lawyers around the country to fight the cases seeking a forced release of his long form birth certificate  nor why he spent over $1 million to keep it from being released.  The latest version states nothing not already in the public domain, so why the effort and the expense to fight its release.   Either he is hiding something incriminating and important or he is very foolish to waste such resources and engender such animosity  among potential voters.

Obama has forged a legal document and perpetrated a fraud from the White House upon the American citizens, Congress and the States. IMPEACHMENT is warranted. Subverting the Constitution and our form of government cannot and must not be tolerated.  At the very least, Obama is very deceitful and dishonest.  But that being the case, he must be IMPEACHED.  HE HAS EARNED IT.

To view the evidence of the forgery, visit the following sites:

Americans, why would our president do this?  How can a document made in 1961 be broken into layers, especially since they say this was a copy (scanned) of the original, which is supposed to look like it’s bound in a book?  A scanned copy can’t be broken into layers because it is an image, like a photograph.  The document on the White House web site was computer-generated, using layers in order to fill in the blanks with the information that Obama needs to cover his secret.  If all of that information is true, it would not be necessary to layer the document.  It could have been scanned and in image format.  BUT IT WASN’T!  It’s been manufactured to achieve the needed goal. 

Why?  How could this possibly be used to Obama’s benefit?

Here’s one possibility and it truly does begin in Kenya for some strange reason.

In 2008, Obama went to Kenya and campaigned for Raila Odinga in their presidential election. Odinga lost to the incumbent.  He then enraged his supporters, stirring up discontent saying that the election was crooked and their will had been thwarted.  Odinga pushed them  to protest in the streets, which they did with machetes, hacking, slashing and murdering.  In the little town of Eldoret, women, children and the elderly took refuge in the Assembly of God Church, only to perish when Odinga’s supporters burned it to the ground with the people still inside.  The winning incumbent felt forced to ignore Kenya’s Constitution and agree to share power with Odinga, creating a new equal position with him.  Last summer, during the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Pres. Obama sent VP Joe Biden to Kenya to pressure them to adopt a new Constitution with a coalition government.  Obama was involved from start to finish.  The end result being that the loser still got the power.

During Obama’s own presidential campaign in America, he spoke to an SEIU meeting, touting his history of support for them and pledging his solidarity with them. He promised to consult them when making decisions as president.

When Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and the Wisconsin legislators proposed cutting some of the collective bargaining rights of union workers in an effort to lower the budget, ultimately saving their jobs, the SEIU protestors were bussed in and whipped up to intimidate them.  Obama, being thick as thieves with SEIU and their leader, Richard Trumpka, weighed in on the conflict, helping to inflame the union protestors.

SEIU sends instructions to their members to “protest” at banks who don’t tow their line, at state capitol buildings to intimidate legislators, at the private residences of CEO’s and bankers, in the streets, shouting, even attacking and pushing people.  Obama talks tough from the bully pulpit and SEIU leaders gin up the anger.  So far, SEIU doesn’t use machetes, but the fear factor is definitely a tool they use.

It’s no secret that the main stream news media is in Obama’s back pocket, running interference for him and smearing his critics.  It’s obvious that they get talking points memos because they all start parroting the same words and phrases on the same day.  It’s not likely to be a coincidence that the day the White House posted the bogus long form birth certificate and techies began pointing out the forgery elements, the news media cried “Wolf!”, I mean “Racists!”  Whoopi Goldberg said that same day, “I’m playing the damn race card!” and called everyone questioning the validity of a computer-generated layered  forged document “racists”.

Obama’s poll numbers have sunk like a rock since he was elected – a steady decline.  Since Trump revived the birth certificate issue, Obama’s numbers fell even more.  Suddenly he comes out with such an obvious fake that people said, “Is this a joke?”  “Can’t the CIA forge a document better than this?”  Why would he do this?  The president posted a document so easy to debunk that the outcry was immediate.  Then, most likely,  Obama put out the word to SEIU, the main stream media and his Hollywood celebrity friends, that this is racism.  Cry “racism”, he told them.  And they began immediately.  This is one scenario that seems more than plausible.  If he starts a race war in America, he will regain the support of African-American voters who became disenchanted with him over broken promises.  He becomes the poor guy being attacked for his race.  He envisions everyone coming to his defense and counts on most never bothering to investigate the legitimacy of the document themselves.

Perhaps the explanation is much simpler and Obama’s techies made a mistake, not “flattening” their creation before publishing.  The end result is the same for the Constitutionality question.  Obama can’t show his true birth certificate because there is a lot at stake.  He has to resort to trickery and deceit.  He’s broken the law by forging a legal document.  He’s broken faith with the people who elected him.  He’s disgraced his office.  Our Congress is equally guilty for not upholding the Constitution which is their sworn duty.  Obama must be investigated by Congress, impeached and removed.  NO RACIST attacks must stop them.  It’s not racism. It’s the right thing to do.

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2 Responses to “Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate is Another Fraud”

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Well written, well researched, well thought out. It’s a pleasure to read such good work. I’m glad I found it.

As an amateur photoshop user I have a passing acquaintance with techniques such as layering and effects such as chromatic aberration. I downloaded the image from the White House myself, and even I can see problems with it. It is obviously an assembled image, not a straight forward unedited image of a scanned document.

In my opinion, it is now a national emergency to start impeachment proceedings. This man has deceived the entire nation as to who he is, and now we are in peril unless he is removed NOW!

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