America, Israel, Christopher Columbus and The Feast of Tabernacles

Posted on October 2, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Columbus’ Ship Nina

Perry Stone, pastor of Voice of Evangelism Ministries, did an excellent job explaining  the beginning of America on a strong Biblical foundation and with strong links to Israel, all of which prove God founded both nations with a purpose.  This isn’t the usual teaching of our founding fathers and the documents such as the Mayflower Compact. This is information seldom ever taught and it’s eye-opening.  Don’t skip it. Watch it first. You will be glad you did.

There’s more.

Christopher Columbus (Cristobal Colon) is believed to have been Jewish, but converted to Christianity.  Many Jews pretended to convert in order to save their lives and property during the Spanish Inquisition, but Columbus seems to have been a genuine Christian.  His letters and the diary he kept on his voyage to America have survived.  In them, are clues to his Jewish heritage and Christian faith.

The Spanish Inquisition was in full force in Columbus’ time, culminating on August 2, the Ninth of Av or Tish b’Av, which is the national Day of Mourning for all Jews around the world. The Spanish Inquisition  was truly a day of mourning for Jews.  (further information: )  On that day, Jews trying to leave Spain clogged the ports, preventing Columbus’ three ships from leaving.   He left the day after on August 3rd.  His voyage resulted in the discovery of America, which became a safe haven and refuge for Jews, who fled to America to escape the many inquisitions and persecutions in other countries.  To this day, America has the largest Jewish population of any nation in the world, more than the nation of Israel, and continues to be Israel’s strongest and closest ally.

Columbus landed on the outlying islands of America on the first day of the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth).  It’s one of three major Jewish feasts, of seven, that God commanded they observe annually.  It centered around a temporary dwelling, or “tabernacle,” such as a structure made of four poles and a roof made of palm branches in which the adult males were required to live for seven days.  This symbolizes, as did the tabernacle of Moses that the Israelites carried with them through their forty-year wilderness trek to the Holy Land, the temporary dwelling of mankind on the Earth, before their final dwelling in eternity with the Lord.  America became a temporary dwelling for Jews who always intended to return to their promised land someday. The nation of Israel was reborn May 14, 1948.


This is a sukkah built in accordance with God’s instructions to Moses for observing the Feast of Succoth (plural for sukkah). Succoth is a Hebrew word that means tabernacles, tents, dwellings, used in reference to temporary dwellings.  What does it remind us of?  A manger.

Jesus was not born in a permanent structure for the housing of animals. He was conceived about December 25, likely on the Jewish holiday, Hanukkah, known as the Festival of Lights. Jesus said He is the Light of the world.  He was born during the Feast of Tabernacles.  All adult Jewish males were required to go to Jerusalem and attend ceremonies at the Temple, the Tabernacle of God, where God dwelt among His people. That’s why all the inns were full.  Everyone had built their sukkah for the feast and the males had to inhabit them for a time.  Joseph would have been required as well and found a way to house himself and his pregnant wife in a sukkah.  Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles in a sukkah.   John 1:14 “And the Word was made flesh and “dwelt” (tabernacled) with us.”

Manger of Jesus’ birth

This is clearly a Jewish sukkah built during their Feast of Succoth (Tabernacles). Christians, unfamiliar with Jewish customs, didn’t recognize this fact.   With so much information on the internet, many have come to see the truth.  Jesus’ family was not poor and forced to sleep in a barn built to house animals.  The inns were full of travelers in town for the feast, but it’s also true that Joseph had to stay in a sukkah to fulfill his duty to the law.

The dates of the Jewish feasts are determined by the moon’s positions, thereby causing them to occur on different dates every year on America’s Gregorian calendar.  In 2012, the Feast of Tabernacles began on October 1 and runs through October 7, with Simhat Torah October 8th, and 9th for those celebrating it for two days as many do now.  Columbus Day should be October 12th (every year) but our government changed it to occur on Monday every year so that people could have a three-day weekend off.

America is so linked with Israel that it’s natural to be their closest ally and share the same values.  God  purposed America to be that temporary dwelling for Jews, as well as teaching a greater spiritual truth.  God is in control and designed all that is.

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