Discovery Channel’s Disturbed Environmentalist/Ted Turner/Al Gore/Daniel Quinn

Posted on September 1, 2010. Filed under: Al Gore, ALERT!, Cap and Trade, Clinton, Democrats, Energy, environmentalism, environmentalists, evolution, Gaia, Gaia hypothesis, Gaia matrix, global governance, Global Warming/Cimate Change, goddess, Greek mythology, Hillary, junk science, Mother Earth, News Media, Obama, planet, Political, science, sustainability, sustainable, U.S. Government, United Nations | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Marbie’s Blog has covered the Global Warming/Climate Change/Environmentalism/Sustainability/World Control/Pagan Gaia Religion movement and it’s tenants and leaders and participants.  One of which was Ted Turner of Turner Broadcasting Network.   Read the original post at: Ted Turner, multibillionaire and founder of CNN. Turner is deeply involved in the Global Green Agenda. He donated more than a billion dollars to the UN which was specifically tagged to fund the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

Turner personally conceived and produced ‘Captain Planet’ an edu-tainment cartoon designed to brainwash our children. 

  Gaia, the spirit of Earth, awakens from a century long sleep to find the Earth in peril. She summons five teenagers, the Planeteers, from around the globe, and gives each of them a ring which controls an element of nature – Earth, Fire, Wind, Water – and a special power, Heart, which allows them to use their new powers wisely and compassionately.” – 

  Today, James Jay Lee took hostages inside the office building of the Discovery Channel, a network which routinely airs global warming/climate change propaganda.  He made the following demands:  

 Discovery Channel “MUST have daily television programs at prime time slots BASED ON DANIEL QUINN’S “MY ISHMAEL” PAGES 207-212 where solutions to save the planet would be done…”  Promote Malthus-Darwin beliefs. 

  Focus must be given on how people can live WITHOUT GIVING BIRTH TO MORE FILTHY HUMAN CHILDREN since those new additions continue pollution and are pollution. 

  Must stop broadcasting programs that encourage the birth of human babies…and broadcast programs that encourage human sterilization and infertility. 

  Stop promoting war and war technology. 

  Expose the filth of civilization, its disgusting religious-cultural roots and greed. 

  Promote the cessation of immigration to the U.S. and anchor babies. 

  Find solutions for global warming, pollution, breeding, international trade and the whole blasted human economy. 


 “Lee [also] said at the time that he experienced an ‘‘awakening” when he watched former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental documentary ‘‘An Inconvenient Truth.” 

By his own words, the gunman told us that he was driven to do this by Al Gore’s error-ridden scare film, “An Inconvenient Truth”, and Daniel Quinn’s, “My Ishmael”, about the peril of the planet.  We’re very familiar with Gore’s piece of work and his claims that the world will be destroyed in ten years (we’re down to 5 years, 4 months and 25 days since Gore pronounced our doom in 2006.  You can see the doomsday clock on down near the bottom of the page.) 

But what do we know about the book, My Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn?  TURNS out, it won an award from TED TURNER’S “TURNER TOMORROW FELLOWSHIP AWARD”, “created in 1989 by Ted Turner, to be awarded to an unpublished work of fiction offering creative and positive solutions to global problems.  In addition to a $500,000 award, the fellowship included a hardcover publishing contract with Turner Broadcasting’s publishing unit and $50,000 to market the book and a film option.”
Ted Turner encouraged the work, awarded the work with $500,000., a hard-cover publishing contract with his own company and a film option, to increase the opportunities to brainwash people with these cock-eyed notions.  But what solutions did this book offer that Turner found so important that he must get it out to the world?
Not having time to have read the book in total today, I’ll put forth the reviews by editors and readers.  The book was written to encourage people to “think” about how humans affect the planet through consumption.  Two views are contrasted:  Leavers and Takers,  cultures who  believe that humanity belongs to the planet and cultures who believe that the planet belongs to humans.  Population, balance, consumption, extinction, sustainability, are all under the microscope.   The author, Daniel Quinn, is interested in over-population of the earth and food supplies.
 Given Ted Turner’s involvement in the sustainability/global warming/climate change/environmental movement, his creation of “Captain Planet” with Gaia awakening, I believe he chose “Ishmael” to win the award despite its lack of a plot and less than artful writing because it fit well into his agenda. 
Apparently, Lee read Ishmael and drew the conclusion that humans are the scourge of the earth, and coupled it with Al Gore’s proposition that humans are causing global warming and destroying the planet.   Al Gore, in particular, is responsible for convincing Mr. Lee that time is quickly running out and we MUST do something to save the planet.  Ishmael made him sink into deep thought with the suggestions posed by the author buried deep underneath his processes.  Gore poured on the fuel to light the fire that resulted in today’s tragedy.


Lee took these messages to heart.  He believed them.  Once he believed the premise and the dire situation and coupled it with Al Gore’s “deadline” for destruction, his emotional makeup led him to think he had no choice but to act – to try to make someone do something to stop what he saw as madness and save the planet.   Lee is responsible for his behavior.  He is the criminal, but is it  right to say that Gore and Quinn and all the other fear mongers have NO responsibility for creating this man’s belief’s which pushed him to take this action?  Doesn’t Ted Turner bear some responsibility for publishing this book and making huge efforts to brainwash the youth of America with this global warming destruction mindset?  Didn’t he create Captain Planet to make sure the kids hear and believe this philosophy?  Why should any of them be exempt from the consequences of the harm produced by the people they convinced? 
I think they should be exposed and reap the disdain of the people.  It’s one thing to propose a theory and quite another to fuel fires of anger and fear that lead to someone taking dangerous actions, especially when the data has been tampered with to force their desired outcome and the facts don’t back up the theory.  All of the main players in the global warming/climate change  movement are in it for the money and they know the  data is skewed to fit their needs.  They’ve successfully stirred up the public until the emotionally unstable go off the deep end believing they MUST do something now.  They’ve successfully convinced some that the situation is dire and drastic actions must be immediately undertaken.  All for money – millions and billions – for the players in the scheme.
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