Obama Re-Run – 2012 – Part 1

Posted on April 7, 2011. Filed under: Communism, Constitution, Democrats, Dictator, Freedom, globalization, Islam, Kenya, Liberty, Marxism, Muslims, Obama, politics, Socialism, sovereignty, U.S. Government, Uncategorized, Who Is Obama? | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


Obama’s runnning again.  Did he keep his 2008 campaign promises?  Were the accusations spot-on?  A re-run warrants a revisiting of his own words and deeds.

And we elected the only person on stage who stubbornly would not salute the American flag.  He looked as if allegiance to this flag as a representation of this country, was no big deal.

A symbol of love and allegiance to America was too great a weight for this weak man.  And how did he show his patriotism?

Is it wise to elect a president who has a low opinion of America?

Does he have allegiance to any country, any one, any thing?

Those were all heads of state.  Why would a POTUS bow to a city mayor?

Was it just because he’s such a gracious person?

How’s this for gracious behavior?

And this?  The POTUS filibustered and there’s no need to watch all of this.  Just fast forward to the time 2:24:22 and watch through 2:27:07.

Sounded like Obama said, “I won, John.  We don’t care what you and your constituents want.”  Gracious or stinging?

Maybe Obama just bows in repect to all heads of state.

It doesn’t seem so.  Great Britain is our closest ally. Don’t they deserve as much respect and grace as Japan?  Doesn’t the Queen of England deserve as much respect as the King of Saudi Arabia?

What about the Prime Minister of Israel, another close ally?

No bows when Obama went to Israel and met Ahud Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu.  What about Netanyahu’s visit to the White House?



Unheard of presidential behavior to a visiting head of state, especially one of our close allies.


Such humiliation from Obama to Great Britain, the Queen of England, Prime Minister Gordan Brown, former Prime Minister Tony Blair and the British people.  NO GRACIOUSNESS.  No bowing.

So what is the conclusion?  Obama doesn’t want to pledge allegiance to America. Obama doesn’t want to wear a U.S. flagpin.  Obama wants to show his patriotism by running down our country and apologizing for America all over the world.  He IS willing, however, to bow to foreign countries, as long as they are NOT America’s closest allies (FRIENDS who have pledged to run to our assistance if we are attacked).

So why does Obama want to be President of the United States?


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