Citizens Will Be Asked for Proof of Citizenship? Now That’s Absurd!

Posted on June 30, 2010. Filed under: 2010 election, ALERT!, amnesty, birth certificate, Constitution, Democrats, Illegal Aliens, immigration, Liberty, Marxism, News Media, Obama, politics, SEIU, Socialism, sovereignty, Taxes, terrorism, U.S. Government |

QUESTION:  What is the purpose of “proof of citizenship” if not to prove you are a citizen and entitled to the rights and benefits of being a citizen?  If no one can ask you for your proof of citizenship, then why issue it in the first place?  Is that where Obama and company are headed?  An open border country?  Think about it.  You can’t have a country without borders.  Borders are no good without enforcement and you can’t enforce them without fences, border patrol and asking for that proof of citizenship when suspected of committing a violation of some sort.

Listen again and notice that one man stands before a crowd and states that the Arizona law makes it a crime to be “undocumented”.  That’s another sweeter term for “ILLEGAL alien”.  He goes even further and states that the Federal law does NOT make “undocumented” a crime.  What???  Ignorance or propaganda for the ignorant? 

Pres. Obama has stated his objection to the Arizona law that tries to reign in illegal aliens and protect U.S./Arizona citizens from the crimes committed by illegals.  He is very worried that some people will have to endure the sheer torture of reaching into their wallet and producing a drivers’ license or social security card.  OMGosh!  That’s excruciating!  And just what if that happens  to them while they are in an ice cream shop?  Eeeeegads!  Their ice cream might melt and may even drip on their shirt!  What is this world coming to?

On the other side of the argument are those who are worried about the American citizens/Arizona citizens who ARE murdered, kidnapped, mugged, assaulted, robbed, raped or their property destroyed.  Compare that to melting ice cream dripping on their shirt and getting their drivers’ license out of their wallet.  The Arizona law also seeks to address the issues of tons of devastating drugs coming into that state and being distributted throughout the country.  America’s young people are falling prey to this and their lives are being destroyed.  Drug addiction has a devastating effect on their entire family.  Today’s prisons are filling up with America’s youth charged with drug-related offenses, mostly drug possession.

Obama and critics of the Arizona law swear that racial profiling will occur and people of Mexican and foreign descent will be targeted.  Arizona swears that RACIAL profiling is prohibited and that ANYONE stopped for a violation will be asked for credentials.  In the next video, notice the color of the skin of the driver who was pulled over AND ASKED FOR A DRIVERS’ LICENSE, REGISTRATION and probably proof of liability.  Everyone is asked for these credentials when they are pulled over – no matter what color their skin is.  Ask anyone who has ever been stopped.  This is standard procedure in every state.  If they produce those credentials, there’s no problem.

If the driver cannot produce any valid credentials, the officer has the obligation to find out who this person is, whether they are wanted for any crimes, including crossing the border illegally, which, of course, is a crime.  There’s usually a criminal reason for a person not having any credentials.

Contrast the situation of someone stopped for violation of a law and asked for their credentials – drivers license, ID, auto registration – with that of a legal citizen asking their elected representative a question about government policies.

For some reason, Obama is a firm believer in NOT producing credentials.  His own are sealed and he has spent millions to keep them sealed.  Does he see amnesty for millions of illegals as new votes for him and his party? Does he have any way to know how many are here?  Does he know that all of them are good people just seeking  jobs?  Can he be certain that none are terrorists or spies of enemy countries?  Of course not!  And that’s the problem, along with the extreme cost to taxpaying citizens who have to support the needs of illegals.

Ignorance is contributing to the destruction of this country.  Help us educate people and fight the propaganda that is patently false.

“Ye shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall set you free.”

We can’t succomb to emotion and let truth wither.  Emotions change from day to day.  Truth is always true.

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