Millions ($$$) to Pakistan??

Posted on July 19, 2010. Filed under: 2010 election, Capitalism, Clinton, Constitution, Democrats, Dictator, Freedom, global governance, Liberty, Marxism, Obama, politics, Socialism, Taxes, terrorism, U.S. Government | Tags: |

Americans, we’re being fleeced every day by our own elected leaders.

Sec. of State Hillary Clinton recently went to Pakistan and announced that WE, the U.S., are giving them another $500 million dollars in aid, to win them over.  TO WIN THEM OVER!  Read the MSNBC report here:

Pres. Obama and Sec. of State Hillary Clinton will paint a rosy picture, putting a smiley face on this expenditure.  There will be no mention of the following:

The new aid to Pakistan is another insanity coming out of Washington.  It’s not right and it’s not fair to Americans.  These people need to sink or swim based on their own efforts like we do.  Friendship built on bribes never lasts.  Either we both want the same things and share the same values or we don’t.  Money is not the great equalizer.  Our government is not bringing them up to our level, but bringing America down to theirs.  If Americans were allowed to vote on sending millions of dollars to Pakistan, it wouldn’t happen.   Without foreign aid, they would be forced to figure out how to prosper and survive.   Necessity is the mother of invention.  Let’s take Pakistan, and all other countries like them, out of our back pockets and set them on their own two feet.  People don’t want to starve.  They don’t want to watch their children starve.  They will become industrious and make their own way.  No more bribes.  No more money for civility.  Leave them to their own devices and they will solve their problems. 

No more money for good will.  If they harbor our enemies, they are in the same peril as our enemies.  Just make that crystal clear and follow up on it.  Results will be swifter and more sure – and Americans will spend their money on their own families, as it should be.

Enough is enough.  November 2, 2010 is the day we can throw them all out. 

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Can you believe it. When is this insanity going to stop?? This country is falling apart and we’re throwing money at a corrupt govt. that cares less about us.

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