
Posted on February 14, 2010. Filed under: environmentalists, Mother Earth, Obama, planet | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

February is the month of love and valentines.  But does the world still love Obama as much as it did in  2008 when hundreds of thousands flocked to see him, even in Germany?  Do they still view Obama as a messiah, a savior, a world leader like no other? Perhaps they do.  Despite fallling poll numbers and increasing negative rhetoric around the world, the Carnival in Nice, France honored Obama with his own float in their parade.  Titled “Yes we can be ecologist”, Obama, dressed in a Superman suit flew over the crowd holding a green tree.  Exactly what he has done for green trees is unclear, but apparently some French ecologists still have “hope”.  Or was it a joke?

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