Obama Bows Down to a Mayor. What’s Up?

Posted on February 1, 2010. Filed under: Democrats, Illegal Aliens, Obama, politics | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |


So now, Obama bows DOWN to the MAYOR OF TAMPA, FLORIDA!  What’s UP with this guy?  He’s bowed to everyone EXCEPT THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND, the only leader he’s met who is truly royalty. Oh, I forgot, he bowed to the truly royal Saudi King, but he has to do that because America is TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON THEIR OIL, unnecessarily I might add.  Pres. Obama, the most powerful man in the free world has bowed to everyone except the will of the people of his own country; the people who voted for him and those who won’t ever again.

I’m beginning to wonder if he’s written a message on the top of his head that he wants the world’s leaders to read.  Something like, “HELP!  I’M IN OVER MY HEAD!”

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