Cash for Clunkers a Gov’t Worm Hole

Posted on August 5, 2009. Filed under: Freedom, global governance, Liberty, Obama, Political, U.S. Government | Tags: , , |

This computer worm hole is not a virus created by a teenager to do mischief. This one is created by our government in such a way that the car dealers sign an agreement making it legal. If they don’t agree, they can’t participate in the cash for clunkers program.

Just thought you’d like to be informed. Here’s another opportunity for you all to let your elected officials know that we don’t like KGB tactics in America. Maybe they can force this administration to change it. We can dream, can’t we? Obama does.

(What would be the value of a giant data base, categorized by district, which included information about people who applied for a “cash for clunker” purchase? What possible use would this be for a politician with big plans?)

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5 Responses to “Cash for Clunkers a Gov’t Worm Hole”

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I have no problem with the simple monitoring to see who visits and/or who defaced a web site, if it ocurred. I would ask you to read the entire “disclaimer”, which term doesn’t exactly describe what is contained in and the purpose of, such in this case. This one goes well beyond what is necessary to know who visits, and who defaced if necessary.

I’m glad you replied, but you are wrong about Beck. He is no more a moron than you are. This was brought to his attention by a lawyer. He read it. Tried it. Then demonstrated it for the public to make up their own mind. You obviously don’t like conservative talk show hosts. Beck’s presentation was honest. He’s trying to inform the people of things they need to be aware of. Transparency, I believe some call it.

Again, please read the entire disclaimer in question and ask yourself how much of that government intrusion is necessary.

I will not post your comment as it is worded now, because I don’t allow profanity or name-calling. However, if you wish to edit your post and re-submit it, I will re-consider it.

I read it.

OK, you win. A database is being built of folks who apply for “Cash for Clunkers” and their PCs scoured for interesting information. They will be sent special emails that make them go blind when the read them, too.

Something tells me you did not read it.

Here’s the part that’s troubling:
“This application provides access to the DoT CARS system. When logged on to the CARS system, your computer is considered a Federal computer system and is the property of the U.S. Government. Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to authorized CARS, DoT, and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of other agencies, both domestic and foreign. “</strong>

You should not be required to forfeit your Fourth Amendment Rights, nor be subjected to Acts that were designed to aid criminal investigations or combat terrorism, just to trade in a clunker for a new car at the taxpayers’ expense.

Magnificent piece. Just what are your resources??

Generally find it slightly hard to get started on.

At the time, it was reported on Fox News by Glenn Beck and covered by attorney and former Assistant D.A. in San Francisco and Los Angeles, Kimberly Guilfoyle. She and Glenn logged on to the web site and read the stipulations on air. Since this was reported, the government has removed the troubling language from the site. To say that the government would never invade the privacy of our personal computers isn’t far-fetched considering what they do at NSA, how they spied on AP reporters, etc. For more of Guilfoyle’s credentials, visit:

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