Obama, Andy Stern, Ron Perelman, SEIU, Obamacare, SIGA, Ebola

Posted on March 11, 2015. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Ebola Alert

Facts you can verify by searching on the internet. Then draw whatever conclusion you want – or not.

During Obama’s young days as a community organizer, he was very involved with SEIU, a health industry union founded in Chicago, Obama’s home town.


SEIU spent $28 million to get Obama elected, by the efforts of union president, Andy Stern and 2.2 million members.
Obama took the presidency in 2009.

A social worker, Andy Stern, was made head of SEIU from 1996 to 2010.  Andy Stern SEIU
From 2009 to 2010, Andy Stern’s last year at SEIU and Obama’s first year in the White House, Stern visited the White House 22 times, much more than anyone else.


As president of SEIU, Stern wanted universal healthcare, insisting that HE (the union members) would never vote for any candidate who didn’t have a universal health care plan. Hence, Obamacare’s passage. ObamacareRemember Stern’s 22 visits to the WH and topping the visitor’s log. SEIU used it’s 2.2 million members to raise funds and provide people to hit the streets to promote Obama’s candidacy, as well as protestors when needed.

In 2010, Stern left SEIU and was appointed to the Board of SIGA Technologies, a company developing drugs to combat bio warfare pathogens, infectious diseases and EBOLA.




SIGA Tech is owned by the holding company of multi-billionaire Ron Perelman, who donated $50,000 to Obama’s inaugural fund (think Greek columns).


Obama Inaguration

Perelman’s holding company, MacAndrews & Forbes, Inc., frequently “hires” former politicians, White House administration personnel, MONICA LEWINSKY and ANDY STERN, etc. Perelman’s company owned Revlon who took on Lewinsky when she most needed a job. Thought to be at Clinton’s request.  Lewinsky and Clinton


Ron PerelmanStern and Perelman both attended U. of Pennsylvania.

The passage of Obamacare seems like a payback to SEIU and Andy Stern. The forced unionization of Kaiser pre-Obamacare passage, put them in a position to benefit greatly from the law’s passage.


But why was Andy Stern appointed to the Board of SIGA? His talents are never wasted and he always has an agenda. From 2006 to 2013, SIGA was being sued by PharmaAthene. In 2011, the court ruled against SIGA and in 2013, the appeals court upheld the ruling. SIGA would have to pay, threatening SIGA’s viability.


For some reference to the rest of this compilation of facts, read this article which explains that biodefense companies depend on government contracts. They spend large sums of money on government lobbyists. So, SIGA would need government contracts and a good lobbyist and would benefit from a member with a close association to Pres. Obama – Andy Stern.

http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748703627704575298504043411376 FIGHT BREAKS OUT BETWEEN BIOFIRMS

There was almost a merger between PharmaAthene and SIGA, but SIGA pulled out when it seemed their new drug might be successful and profitable. PharmaAthene sued and won 50% of the drug’s profit. SIGA told the judge this would threaten their company’s viability.  Dollar sign

The HHS officials have been awarding government contracts to a few companies with no-bid contracts.

SIGA NEEDS a successful drug/vaccine that the government will purchase in vast quantities. Their new drugs need to be tested to earn FDA approval. They test on animals, but can’t test on humans in most cases, such as the EBOLA vaccine. This headline should concern us.

As Ebola Outbreak Expands, These Experimental Drugs Could See Action


SIGA owes a huge debt to PharmaAthene, viability is threatened, needs a successful drug, needs testing, acquires Obama’s close ally, Andy Stern, on the board of directors, AND EBOLA outbreak occurs at an opportune time for SIGA.  Watch the dates of all these things. Coincidences are possible and do happen in life.  Ebola

****Look at this timeline**** of the number of EBOLA outbreaks in the world and note the huge jump in numbers in 2014.


From 2013 through 2014, SIGA knew it was in dire financial trouble. By September, 2014, they filed for bankruptcy.
The major EBOLA outbreak began in 2014 and Rev. Franklin Graham brought his ministry’s Ebola-infected doctor home to the U.S. for treatment in early August, 2014. THEN Obama arranged to bring a number of Ebola patients into the U.S. afterwards. He then sent 3,000 American soldiers to Ebola-infected areas to help.  All of these would need to return to the U.S.  The fear of Ebola in the U.S. was hyped in America. Citizens and politicians alike, objected to bringing these patients here, for fear of a wide-spread epidemic.  CNN Ebola

Also –
An Ebola-infected Liberian man showed up at a Texas hospital for treatment where he later died. The U. S. had no stockpile of Ebola vaccines or treatments. There hasn’t been a need for one until 2014.    airplanesObama refused to ban flights from infected countries, causing a controversy over the danger that posed to Americans.


Now remember the article above, “As Ebola Outbreaks Expands, The Experimental Drugs Could See Action”.
I remind you that Senator Obama supported infanticide and late-term abortion. That is very barbaric and cruel, but it doesn’t bother him. Pretty hard-hearted and cold.  Anyone who can support the brutality on a suffering infant is capable of anything.

New Audio Surfaces of Obama Defending Infanticide in Illinois

But what about HHS officials? Would they be a party to anything unethical? They are Obama appointees, meaning he put the people who agree with him in those positions – thoughtful selections.

An article in November, 2011 says –
Obama’s Cronies: The Ex-SEIU Boss, Donor Dollars, No-Bid Contracts & Testing Anthrax Vaccines on Kids
“According to the Los Angeles Times, with the exception of existing in locked freezers in Russia and U.S. labs, the smallpox virus was eradicated in 1978. Yet, in a no-bid contract, the Obama administration has given $443 million of American taxpayers’ money for an “experimental smallpox drug” to a bio-defense company, SIGA, controlled by billionaire Democrat-donor Ron Perelman and whose board ex-SEIU boss Andy Stern sits on.”   Dollar sign
“When SIGA was in danger of losing its grip on the contract a year ago, the officials blocked other firms from competing.
“While the Times notes that there is no credible evidence that the threat of a smallpox outbreak is imminent and that the U.S. already owns enough vaccine to treat the entire population, the Obama administration’s ties to SIGA become even more questionable, considering the recent recommendation to start experimenting with an Anthrax vaccine on America’s children.

Read the entire short article. It’s enlightening while unnerving.


Testing on American children?  children

The Ebola outbreak happened at a time in SIGA’s history when it could most help them and SIGA’s players were Obama, Stern and Perelman. Is there anything in the thousands of pages of the Affordable Care Act that also benefits SIGA and these men?  It is the largest Ebola outbreak in history with 24,247 cases resulting in 9,961 deaths.

Another coincidence? Look at this stock information for SIGA.

In the last twelve months, which takes us back to March, 2014, the time of the Ebola outbreak (see the CDC time chart), Perelman’s Holding Company, MacAndrews and Forbes, Inc, started buying SIGA stock. They made four buys in September and November, 2014.  Ron Perelman personally purchased more than 403,000 shares. GRUBER & MCBAINE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC (Jon Deroy Gruber – Founder) was selling.  I found no connection to the Jonathan Gruber who crafted Romneycare and Obamacare in such a way that stupid voters wouldn’t know what hit them.  Jonathan Gruber



Insider trading is illegal and landed Martha Stewart in prison. So, Perelman couldn’t buy in March or earlier without being suspect. However, September and November would not likely arouse any suspicion.

What is Obama’s agenda and who shares it with him?

Obama Shhh

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