Global Warming Again – October 08, 2008

Posted on October 7, 2008. Filed under: Uncategorized |

Global warming is the politically correct belief system that holds a higher place than belief in God all over the world. It’s like a cancer spreading around the world infecting our leaders who now view it as the golden egg that will spur our economies and create jobs.

We need jobs, more jobs, thousands and thousands of jobs. Where can we find them? How can we create new jobs? New careers?

The answer is invent a brand new world-wide threat, foster universal fear that we will all die of a man-made catastrophe in a very short time and then legislate the new rules for fighting this threat. All the products we use now globally, will have to be discarded and replaced with a new green product.

Throw out all existing light bulbs all over the world. Now we have new jobs collecting and disposing of trillions of light bulbs. Now we have new businesses, providing for the green disposal of these discarded bulbs. Now we have jobs at these new businesses. Now we have new light bulb manufacturing businesses and new jobs there. Our ecnomy will feel the life blood of new money flowing into the green light bulb industry.

Multiply that scenario by thousands replacing everything we use today with some new green version. But while we’re creating new jobs and industries, we’re also coming under the iron grip of government, who will control how we live, what we may buy, how – when- where – and if – we may travel, what we may consume. There will be oppressive expenses heaped upon our companies and added to the cost of our goods and services.

Carbon emmissions will be capped at some arbitrary amount set by Congress and a price will be set for each unit of carbon gas emitted. Exchanges will be set up for the buying and selling of these rights to emit a unit of carbon emissions. It will run just like the stock market. AND just like the stock market, there will arise corruption, speculation and bubbles that eventually burst. There will be 1929 events in the cap and trade markets and for the same reasons.

Congress will set up oversight committees and regulations. Men like Al Gore will rise to positions of power in this new world. Officials will pad their bank accounts, just like always. The consumer will foot the bill and be left holding the bag. Consumers will labor under the heavy burden of the new green expense, and never doubt it, they will find a way and a reason to tax it all. It’s another pyramid scheme with the ordinary citizens carrying the burden and bearing the weight of it all.

Then after ten years passes and no catastrophe occurs, a new trend will bud and grow. Global cooling will threaten the planet. We will overturn previous legislation and write new policies. The whole process will start over. I guess they will call that the blue house effect. It will be time to reverse everything we were forced to do for warming. If it’s not global cooling, it will be something else.

McCain: “we have an issue that we may hand our children and our grandchildren a damaged planet. I have disagreed strongly with the Bush administration on this issue. I traveled all over the world looking at the effects of greenhouse gas emissions, Joe Lieberman and I.” Presidential Debate Oct. 7, 2008

What did McCain actually see that showed him global warming and greenhouse gas effects? Where exactly did he and Lieberman go? On what real science is his opinion based? Which scientists does he believe, because they don’t all agree? How much time has McCain spent studying this issue? ( and I don’t mean watching a poorly-documented short film by Gore.)

McCain: “We can move forward, and clean up our climate, and develop green technologies, and alternate — alternative energies for — for hybrid, for hydrogen, for battery-powered cars, so that we can clean up our environment and at the same time get our economy going by creating millions of jobs.” Presidential Debate Oct. 7, 2008

Global warming is the golden goose that laid the golden egg for politicians, but we all know it’s a myth. They’re going to lay an egg, alright, and at our expense.

There is no more time to do nothing.

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